Culling the Library

   It is far from complete, but the process has begun! I’ve two boxes ready to give to a preacher friend who is already a fine gospel preacher, but to whom a few books were promised to help him establish his library (and with more books to go his way if he desires them.) More are designated to travel to the library being established within our meeting place that it may enable diligent bible students more ready access to sermon outlines, more in-depth studies of various bible subjects like church history, biographies of bible characters, and biographies of well-known gospel preachers. As Solomon said, “Of making of books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.” (Ecclesiastes 12:12b) However, there is a value to the better books, and we’re happy to share them.

   While culling these materials, several books have great sentimental value to me, and for that reason, I’ll keep them in my private library. Granted, someday they will pass to another, and prayerfully will become as meaningful to him as they have been to me. I was reminded of Paul and his desire to have “the books and the parchments” he had left behind brought to him when Timothy came to visit (2 Timothy 4:13). These obviously had some value to Paul’s work.

   Frankly, some will never be passed to another, but instead have been discarded into the waste pile to be burned! Though for a time I kept them to “see the other side of things,” I have since determined they are too far from God’s truth to be of any value at all! While in my possession, I marked them with numerous corrections lest someone might think I had agreed, I now find them absolutely worthless, and there is no need to retain them any longer! These books reminded me of Acts 19:19. Whatever 50,000 pieces of silver would be worth in today’s coin, the fact remains that these books were worthless in actuality! That’s what any false doctrine is worth – NOTHING!

   But there is one library from which I refuse to diminish! The Bible is composed of sixty-six books: thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New Testament. Scholars who determine the reading levels of books have proven that the King James Version of the Bible is written at a sixth-grade reading level. More modern translations (NAS, RSV, NKJV, ESV, etc.) have even lower reading levels, thus theoretically making them easier to understand. Still, as with any accurate translation of the scriptures, (since many so-called “versions” are nothing more than poorly written commentary based on paraphrased statements that intentionally avoid the truth of God’s word) the careful student will find the necessity of reading combined with study (1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 2:15). No book, regardless of its content, will profit any soul unless it is read, studied, learned, and obeyed! Such is the reason for Paul’s inspired statements of Colossians 3: 1 – 17!

   Some have suggested regarding religious materials, that the older the book, the more accurate the content. In my experience, that usually is the case. There is a reason for this conclusion: the earlier authors had far less to use regarding their research of truth and righteousness! As the increase of thoughts increased, so did the increase of published thoughts. Soon, instead of accepting the inspired writings of the prophets and apostles, men’s ideas influenced the minds of so-called “students of the word” and instead of enhancing their understanding with truth and righteousness, their thinking was distorted, confused, and errant! (see 2 Timothy 3:1 – 9; 4: 1- 8; et al). This is why Paul urged brethren in Thessalonica to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good,” and is precisely why Paul noted those of Berea were more noble than those of Thessalonica in that they (the Bereans) were more noble, in that they received the word with readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul preached was truth (Acts 17:11).

   Frankly, in my senior years, I find that reading old sermon outlines and using my bible to note the references is the most refreshing study I can enjoy! The thoughts of preachers now departed from this earth life are still able to preach the truth (Hebrews 11:4) if they are studied and learned. When studied, these usually permit me to garner additional ideas for sermons I can preach. After all, if the source of information comes from God’s word, and the proof of each point comes from God’s word, then has it not been a study of God’s word that produced these godly thoughts that will teach others also? (2 Timothy 2:2)

   As a dear friend once emphatically told me, “I just don’t understand why preachers need big bookcases to hold lots of books when they only need one!” The older I get, the more I agree with my friend! Sadly, all too many would rather read things about the bible than read the bible itself! Why? There’s enough to learn within that one sacred volume to keep us busy for a lifetime! Let’s do more than cull our mental libraries – let’s be sure to fill our minds with God’s word! If we read and obey it and it alone, we’ll never fail! (2 Peter 1: 1 – 11)