Mike’s Musings ….
Change – Getting Used to New
Because of damage to my “old” computer, I had no choice but to purchase a new one. It is very difficult for me to get used to this new one. The sensitivity of the keyboard is very different. I have learned to seek and find various settings and turn off the ones that interfere with my work. That has taken time, and it is both tedious and frustrating, but all of this is necessary as I endeavor to change, i.e., get used to something different and unknown.
I muse on how similar this type of change is for those souls who have never learned the truth of God’s word or who, after obeying the gospel, have never learned the necessity of continual growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:18) The initial learning of and obedience to the gospel is crucial to the understanding of the “first principles of the doctrine of Christ” (Hebrews 6:1) Then that soul must learn how to grow by adding works to their faith (2 Peter 1:1 -11) that their lives will be filled with faithful service to God and they die in the Lord (Revelation 14:13). For many, the change is difficult: getting used to being RIGHTEOUS in all they say and do (Colossians 3:17) takes time to learn! Unfortunately, too many Christians, much older in the faith than these babes in Christ, need PATIENCE toward these younger souls as we endeavor to teach them and allow them to learn!
Many things in life require our adjustment to change - getting used to the NEW things required within our lives. Getting used to this new computer is the least of such changes, For souls who have lived as they desired for years, changing to conform to the life of Christ Jesus is much more difficult! Baptism forgives the past life of obedient souls, but it does not instantaneously make them “full-grown” in the kingdom! (cf. Hebrews 5:13 – 14). We must be patient with these souls and let them know our willingness to tutor them as they grow. Just like any tender plant, some attention to its needs must be met. We more mature souls need to help those who are growing, Further, those of us who think we are “full-grown” need to be cautious with our attitude (Romans 12:3; 16). Muse how we truly help one another as we all grow in this grace and knowledge. We grow better when we grow together. And yes, we “old dogs” can still learn … and helping one another in that learning is what growth in the kingdom of Christ is what this lesson is all about!