Mike’s Musings ….                                       Election Day

   On our calendars, November 5, 2024, is noted as “Election Day.” Several states began a few weeks ago with “early voting” and as each voter entered privately into their booths to finalize their ballots, the outcome of this year’s election results has begun. For some local candidates, the majority's decision will be announced within hours of the closing time of voting. For others, that decision may require upwards of a few days. When concluded, the majority will have elected their respected candidates into the offices desired, and we voters will have to accept their decisions – like it or not!

   The word “elect” is found some twenty times in Scripture, and each time is speaking of “God’s chosen ones.” Friend, that’s a powerful choice! For God to choose YOU or ME is incredible! And more, it doesn’t matter whether the majority of mankind agrees with His choice or not: to be “chosen of God” is special! Not only was Christ Jesus “chosen of God” (1 Peter 2:4), but Peter declares we who have obeyed the gospel are also chosen of God (1 Peter 2:9). That helps us understand Paul’s statement of being “joint heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).

   But our “election” is conditional upon our continued obedience to the gospel! Some have erroneously believed they have done all they need to do by hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, and being immersed into Christ for the remission of their sins. But that would not agree with the inspired statement of Peter when he said, “Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:” (2 Peter 1:10). Those things needed to assure our “election” (i.e., divine selection – Strong) are NOT faith alone. Read the text and notice DILIGENCE is required as we add virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly kindness to our faith. Though MAN may not agree with our “policies,” we must realize our policies are GOD’S COMMANDMENTS.

   I muse on the coming election day for these United States and pray God will remain our Supreme Authority in all we say and do. But frankly, I muse on making my election from God the Father sure, much more than being concerned about national, state, and local results. (Romans 13). It concerns me that mankind, including Christians, often believe their ETERNAL salvation rests in the results of who becomes president, or who controls Congress. I’m much more concerned about Who rules my soul, and Whose government will judge me in the last day. If I fail HIM, I’m failed – regardless of how the majority votes!