Mike’s Musings …

Father’s Day

   Today is named “Father’s Day.” As I write, I look around my home office and cannot escape the pieces of evidence of Dad’s influence upon me and the work at my hands. Several of his books, sermon notes, pictures, historical works, etc. are within my possession (via his choice) just as there are pieces of evidence of Mom’s influence upon me. On the wall to my left hangs the large picture of their fortieth anniversary as if they continue watching me work. On the wall in front of me are Dad’s medals from WWII and his discharge from that war. Behind me is a small toy truck that Mom gave me as a reminder of Dad’s truck. To my right are items from my VanFossen grandparents that Mom gave me. Oh, the memories that fill this room!!!

   Yet, setting on my grandmother’s old kitchen table (which I use as an extension to my desk) sets two copies of my Father’s work! Within these two volumes, I have underlined and highlighted several passages of incredibly special influence on my soul. To me, these are messages He speaks with love for me, yet some with emphasis and some with gentleness as He guides my soul through daily obligations. These two books make me keenly aware of His all-seeing eyes gazing on my soul, and His ears constantly listening for the sound of my prayers (1 Peter 3: 12). I cannot escape His presence … and quite frankly, I have no desire to escape!

   There are dozens of things that remain as evidence of His influence on my soul! Stacks of written and recorded sermons I’ve preached, proof of my need to continue improving in study and presentation of the same, pictures of the several places God has permitted me to visit and share the gospel, pictures, and mementos from brethren He has permitted me to know and love – all these things remind me of the Father He is and continues to be in my life!

   I muse on the greatness of every day being a day from my Father in heaven (James 1:17). The memories of my earthly parents are ever precious to me but musing on the greatness of my Heavenly Father is greater still! Not only on this day, but every day I thank Him for all that He is and continues to be for me. I want Him to know how much I love Him, and how grateful I am that He gave to me and the entire world His only begotten Son to die for the remission of my sins, then raised Him from the dead, giving all mankind hope of the resurrection of life if we are obedient to Him. (Hebrews 5: 8 – 9) Indeed, God is my Father, and through His love, I am His son (2 Corinthians 6:18). Upon that truth, I muse, and I am eternally thankful!