Mike’s Musings …

Football Interferes with Basketball

   Yes, I know it’s an odd title for an article that should appeal to our spiritual thoughts, but titles don’t always express the content. You see, I am just not as interested in football as I am in basketball. Some games have more appeal than others (I.U. football this year and OSU when they play Michigan) but football games just don’t interest me, and they often interfere with watching basketball games that do interest me! No professional sport appeals to me. Those men are grossly overpaid and have taken the “sport” out of the games they play.

   Between NASCAR and college basketball is a narrow margin for my choice. Both sports hold my interest and gain my investigation into those participating in any capacity of the sport. There is very little overlap during the seasons, so one does not distract from the other. But football interferes with basketball for several weeks and is a distraction!

   Most reading this are thinking, “Who cares? Sports of any nature are only entertainment.” Ah, therein is the point! So many are so enthralled by any form of entertainment that they DO let these things interfere with the more important matters of life, ESPECIALLY the spiritual necessities. Nothing is of greater importance than the salvation of our souls, yet many will prioritize their lives with the spiritual things being at the bottom of the list. They will put anything ahead of worship that delights them. That phrase is synonymous with “entertains them.” Yes, they let anything of entertaining enjoyment, including family and friends, come before Christ! (Colossians 1:18) Why?

   I muse on how valuable Christ and His church is to those who profess themselves to be Christians. Several have no greater priority in their lives, and it shows in all they say and do. Others are lukewarm at best regarding their enthusiasm for the Lord. Let some entertaining events arise and watch their interests climb!

   More to the point, how does the Lord Himself view our interest in Him and His kingdom? What interferes with our service for Him? And while we’re on the subject, how many sleep through the things that entertain them, but find no problem sleeping through (or otherwise ignoring) the worship services?

   Interference with God is man-made! We can escape those things by keeping Christ and His church as the first and foremost priority of our lives (Matthew 6:33). In a few months after the entertainment (whatever sort it may be) the details are forgotten, and they matter even less than they mattered at the time! But the details of God’s word, and the value of how we worship Him in spirit and in truth will matter into eternity. Don’t let anything interfere with that reality! He comes first!