Mike’s Musings ….

He Did Me More Good Than I Did Him

   This past Wednesday morning, a man I called a friend died from a lengthy battle with cancer. I don’t know when he obeyed the gospel of Christ; nor can I rightly remember when we first met and became friends. Several years ago, while preaching a gospel meeting in Williams, IN, he, and I ate breakfast at his sister’s restaurant nearly daily. He was well known for his ability to roast a hog and make pulled pork a delicacy no one refused! His humor was “one of a kind” and to us who knew him, MARK SPREEN was a friend (Proverbs 18:24).

   For more than a year, I’ve been helping the Williams church once a month on the evening of the third Sunday. Mark faithfully attended, missing only a few times because of his health. He would always sit in the second or third row from the back, toward the outside wall. His mother and sister sat behind him. Often, he would lead the closing prayer; always sincerely and reverently thanking God for the blessings of life and asking God’s favor upon our souls. He was very attentive to the lessons, which instead of a “sermon” are usually bible studies with members participating in the study. Mark seldom spoke, but he listened carefully. After a lesson detailing John 3:16, he once told me, “I got more out of that study than I ever thought was in that verse.” He smiled, and I thanked him! That was Mark … and I miss him!

   On Sunday, August 18, Mark drove up close to the ramp of the meeting house with his white van. When I saw that, I knew Mark wasn’t feeling well. Two brethren helped him by getting the wheelchair and pushing him up the ramp into the building. He was notably weak, but I spoke to him, and said, “Mark, you being here does me more good than it does you.” He replied, “Don’t be so sure of that. But I’m glad to help you as you sure help me!” That was our last conversation!

   I muse on his attitude! How many would have said, “I just can’t go,” and yet their health isn’t nearly as bad as Mark’s was. Too many look for excuses to avoid services. Others come with a desire to visit with others rather than worship the God of heaven in spirit and in truth! The FAITHFUL come because of God, and the goodness they gain from being assembled with the saints. Those are the ones that do me more good than I can do them! When we AS BRETHREN build up one another in the most holy faith (Jude 20 – 21), we’ve done each other good, while most importantly, we’ve worshipped God acceptably in reverence and godly fear! I will miss Mark but thank him for his example of doing good to all who worshipped with him – including me!