Mike’s Musings …
I Miscounted … and Made Other Mistakes
There are fifty-two weeks every year. Yet, if you notice the ledger box on the front of this publication, you will notice this is number 49. I suspect that I’ve either misnumbered or simply miscounted somewhere along the line. Also, I know I missed at least a week of writing THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING. Either way, I made a mistake, and I must admit it.
Most of you have noticed mistakes on the charts used for sermons. They aren’t intentional, but admittedly, I don’t always proofread them. Distractions of various sorts, fatigue late in the day, and simple typos all contribute to the mistakes. Again, they aren’t intentional, but neither are they anyone’s fault but mine.
And yes, I’ll have to admit the same has happened more than once this past year in presenting sermons or bible study lessons. Confusing names, passages, events, etc., are not intentional, and prayerfully, such mistakes have not led souls into believing false doctrines; but mistakes do happen and as all the above, I must own them.
As with all mistakes, when they are pointed out and the opportunity to correct them is granted, I’m grateful! Granted, some are minuscule – but they remain mistakes. Others are more serious and glaring (and embarrassing!) Still, ALL of them merit correction. To leave them without correction shows no less than the following: 1) I’m unwilling to learn from mistakes, 2) I don’t care much about my work, 3) if you don’t catch them, it appears I don’t care about you or the truth, 4) I’m opposed to critique! None of those excuses are true! I am willing to learn from mistakes, I do care about my work, it does matter what you see and hear from me, and I do appreciate critique!
We need to examine sin with even greater scrutiny than we would reading articles or viewing charts. We must listen carefully to every part of teaching and preaching, and willingly challenge the speaker when an error is detected. Speakers must remember James 3:1, and the fact you’ll never have the same exact audience twice! Sound doctrine is that important (Titus 2:1). Nonetheless, without repentance from sin, regardless of how “minor” it might seem to us, sin ruins an otherwise wholesome soul of righteousness! So it is with sin: we should be grateful when someone loves our soul enough to tell us of our sin! (James 5:19-20). And remember sin is NOT a “mistake!” Sin is transgression against the law of God (1 John 3:4).
I muse on the time it takes to proofread, or “double-check” sermons and charts, and even practice the presentation of lessons. But it is time well given when it results in fewer mistakes and more accuracy in the work! Is this not the same with examining ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5)? Mistakes will happen, and so will sin. Both need correction!!!