Undoubtedly, most faithful preachers admit to having had a mentor much akin to the way Paul taught Timothy to do the work of an evangelist. We’ve learned that rather than mirror their “style” of preaching, we learned from their insistence on the study of and meditation upon the scriptures (1 Timothy 4: 12 – 16). While many of us older guys could present long lists of those faithful ones who were determined to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:1-2), we find ourselves thrust into that role of committing the word of God to others. Upon that reality, I muse as I ponder the need for more gospel preachers and as well, the need for more bible study teachers!

   I know a former basketball player who excelled at every level of playing the game, including the professional level. When he was asked to coach high school basketball, he agreed for a couple of years and then ended his career. When asked why, his response was, “There just aren’t enough players that truly want to work on their game to become the best they can be. They just want to play – nothing more.” That must never be the attitude of those who want to serve the Lord! There must be a “fire in our heart” (cf. Jeremiah 20:9). But instead, we find many who seek to please men rather than God! Friend, you never will please men in your preaching/teaching! (Proverbs 27:20) But you can please God! Who else matters?

   Whether you preach, teach, or simply desire to please God by being a diligent servant, our learning of these skills comes from reading, studying, learning, and obeying God’s word. Those of us who teach/preach this truth often ponder our effectiveness but realize our presentation may not be as appealing to the audience as the presentation of another preacher/teacher. But what if Jesus were the preacher? Would we students listen more carefully, study more intently, learn with greater interest in His doctrine, obey it with greater diligence, and retain it with a tighter grip than we do things of this world? If not, why not? And more, don’t we all realize He IS the teacher/preacher? If what we are preaching, and what we are hearing is sound doctrine, it is as though God Himself speaks (Hebrews 1:1-2; 2:1-4; 1 Peter 4:11).

   If Jesus were physically standing before us, can you not also muse as to our increased attention to every word He speaks? (Compare Matthew 7:28 – 29) Dear reader, each soul must realize his/her INDIVIDUAL responsibility to hear and believe every word of God! (2 Corinthians 5:10) If we fail to learn it well enough to commit to others that they also can obey it and share it with others, then we have completely failed! At the very LEAST, we need to save our INDIVIDUAL souls! Let’s learn it well by studying IT instead of things “about” it!