Mike’s Musings …
If You Were on Trial for Being a Christian …
The wife and I have formed something of a habit in the evenings: we like to watch old Perry Mason episodes. Not surprisingly, he wins most of his cases, and to our delight, the guilty is always someone we least expect. Yes, we’ve seen a few where Perry lost, but for a good purpose. (That’s television and keeps the audience guessing.)
Somewhere in the past, I remember a preacher asking this question: “If you were on trial for being a faithful Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Most of us would respond, “Certainly,” but if we’re honestly accepting the responsibility of 2 Corinthians 13:5, just how much evidence would we produce? Remember, the question is NOT, “If you were on trial for being a Christian,” but instead is, “a FAITHFUL Christian.” There is a remarkable difference! You might produce a certificate that records the date when you were immersed into Christ, the place, and the preacher who immersed you. But that certificate doesn’t prove you are a Christian, let alone a FAITHFUL Christian! You might produce proof you attend every service of the local church of Christ. But that also falls short of proving you are a FAITHFUL child of God!
Remember also this trial would be nothing like a Perry Mason court case. Witnesses would include those you know and many whom you do not know! Each witness would be extremely honest. Those in defense of your faithfulness would be able to produce evidence of your words and deeds being in strict accordance with the Lord’s commandments (Colossians 3:17). Those declaring you as being unfaithful would honestly declare what words and deeds they have witnessed that are contrary to the words of our Lord. Make no mistake in thinking this group would ignore such evidence of hypocrisy: they thrive on it!
And don’t forget the greatest Witness of our lives is God the Father! (Hebrews 4:12013). He is the One whose determination of our evidence really matters. He has committed all judgment to His Son (John 5:22) and therefore the abundance (or lack thereof) of evidence is well known to Him. So we muse on the truthful answer to our question: IF WE WERE ON TRIAL FOR BEING A FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN, WOULD THERE BE ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO CONVICT US? If not, why not? The fact that the FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN realizes his life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3) should produce evidence that to all beholding our lives should mirror the words and conduct of our Lord! There was enough evidence to prove Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. Is there enough in your life and mine to convict us as being faithful children of God, the Father?