Mike’s Musings …
It Takes Some Getting Used To
It seems as if just yesterday I finally learned to write 2022 and now I’ll have to learn to write 2023! It seems as if just yesterday plans were set in motion and due for completion in 2022, and now new plans with greater desires for completion are set in motion for 2023. Time – it’s a unique item of which no one possesses more than a moment of it, and it’s gone as we grasp for another, only to see it vanish as quickly as it had been gained! (James 4:13 – 17)
If memory serves me, it was in June of 2015 when we “officially” began working with you in Orleans, IN. For several months previously, we attended as opportunity allowed (including a gospel meeting with brother Paul Earnhardt preaching) and published THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING as often as possible. Yes, that took some getting used to as well, but we quickly recognized we are family – brethren one of another in Christ Jesus! During these years, we’ve seen several changes: 1) the completion of four classrooms so all ages can grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus; 2) While saddened that it was short-lived because of sickness and eventual death, we were blessed with an eldership for two years. Now, we must progress in the spiritual growth that will allow the return of such righteous leadership. 3) We have seen tremendous growth in bible study with the addition of our Tuesday morning studies. 4) We continue to see souls attending who express serious interest in truth and righteousness, and with these souls, we are consistently studying with them, and endeavoring to guide them toward obedience to God’s truth. 5) The sad reality of death has not escaped us, as we have had the duty of bidding a loving farewell to those who have been a part of our lives and greatly impacted us with exquisite examples of righteousness.
To each of these items and many more, we have taken the time to get used to their realities. More changes are forthcoming, and we pray they are for the increasing good of this local work. It begins with each of us endeavoring to serve God to the very BEST of our abilities. We must muse daily on what MORE we can do for the Master. If we serve for self-recognition, we have our reward (Matthew 6:1-4); but if we serve God for HIS cause, then He is not forgetful to remember our works and labors of love (Hebrews 6:10). Muse on how much more we can accomplish when we realize we serve HIM and not ourselves; we do it for HIS glory and not our own! That, dear reader, doesn’t take much time at all to get used to – after all, it is the life we are to live for Him in the first place! (Colossians 3:1 – 17).