Mike’s Musings …..
It Was the First … I Pray it is the Last!
Since the fall of 1975, I have worked in five separate locations as the “located preacher.” Within each of those locations, at least one gospel meeting has been scheduled each year, and in most cases two each year. Within nearly fifty years, that’s a lot of gospel meetings! Add to this list the number of additional gospel meetings I preached in other places (an average of four a year) and those I have attended out of interest, and the total number is considerable. In all those years, this year was the first time I was unable to attend any part of the meeting scheduled for here at home! Due to being hospitalized with COVID and pneumonia, I couldn’t attend a single service. I wasn’t alone in this: several of our number suffered from COVID this week and could not attend. It’s heartbreaking for those of us desirous of feasting on God’s word to find ourselves so hindered from assembling.
Some three and one-half years ago, similar circumstances existed, but in a “reverse” sort of way. We had our meeting in the fall and followed every precaution suggested by the CDC and other governmental agencies. The meeting went well with good interest and attendance. Still, some fourteen of us contracted COVID, with at least three of us being hospitalized. For the next several months, we followed even more extreme measures but refused to cancel any services. We survived, and until now, very few showed any illness as a result.
This past week, I know of ten of our number who had COVID. No one is to blame: it has been proven you can get this disease by just walking through a store. But it hampered us from assembling, learning, fellowshipping, and worshipping God as we desired! That’s the first time in my life I couldn’t attend the “home” meeting, and I pray it is the last time. But one thing is sure: it didn’t hinder me from studying, praying, learning, and increasing my faith!
I muse on the reality that some would consider such illness a “justifiable excuse” for not only staying away from services, but from any semblance of faithful diligence in study, prayer, and meditation of His word. Frankly, there is never a time that justifies staying away from the improvement of our relationship with God the Father! Nothing “justifies” such laziness! There’s always something we can do to increase our loyalty to God. Now that we’re returning to good health, let’s increase that dedication and service even more for our Lord!