Mike’s Musings ….

It’s Been Six Years!

   Please pardon my reminiscence of an event of some six years ago this past Wednesday, July 24, 2024. My wife and I had taken our grandson and his mother to the Ark Encounter near Cincinnati, OH. What a grand time we had enjoyed as we journeyed through country roads to reach that destination. My sister, RUTH ELAINE DAVIS FORSHEY was in the hospital at that time with a disease called “pericarditis;” an infection of the lining surrounding the heart. Because she was unable to void the fluid build-up around her heart, they had spoken of doing dialysis, but few feared any serious consequences. A dear friend of mine had called me while we toured the Ark Encounter, and informed me of this surgery, but again, no one seemed overly alarmed. We just put it all in God’s hands – just as we’d done throughout our lives!

   I called Ruth shortly after talking to my friend, and told her, “Sis, you can’t mess this up! I’m the oldest and I’ve earned the right to be the first of us siblings to leave if that’s necessary.” She chucked as she often did, but added, “No guarantees brother!” During the night, I received a call from my brother-in-law who said simply, “Mike, I just lost Ruth!” Devastation flooded my mind and heart, but I called my remaining siblings and informed them of Brad’s call. While shocked, we realized we could change nothing: we now had to accept life would be forever changed without Ruth in our midst!

   Those who knew Ruth well knew her to be a faithful Christian, a beautiful Alto singer, a caretaker of young and old (her chosen profession whether she was paid or not for the work!), had a hearty laugh, but an equally firm and uncompromising loyalty to truth! To say she was loved is an understatement. To say she is missed is obvious!

   I muse on how wonderful it is to retain the precious memories of those we love but have departed this life! They are free from cares that on earth we must bear. Solomon wrote: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” But for those who have done these wonderful things by which others have benefitted and been influenced for good, they have no remembrance of them once they die. It is for us to remember, be grateful, and carefully use the guidance of God’s word to prove all we say and do with His authority. So, thanks, Sis, for your love and example, and yes, I’ll endeavor to continue in the path of righteousness that God has commanded for us all!