Mike’s Musings:
It’s Gospel Meeting Time
God’s beauties and mercies are endless! (James 1:17). While we could speak long and loud about the beauties of Springtime, and the mercies granted those of us who love the out-of-doors, the touch of the soil, the smell of newly mowed grass (or hay) and the growing of plants, there’s yet another part to this season with even more excitement to the attentive student of God’s Word. They’re called GOSPEL MEETINGS.
As recent as thirty years ago, GOSPEL MEETINGS were the “increased opportunities to be with brethren,” that so many longed to enjoy. The endurance of the long, hard winter months found refreshment in assembling with brethren from a variety of area churches of Christ and introduced us all to interested souls who came because of their interest in God and godly things. Baptisms were plentiful, bible studies grew because of the preaching, and younger men were granted an opportunity to participate in leading songs or prayers, and occasionally “make a talk.” Children filled the front two or three pews for a half hour before the scheduled time of beginning and participated in a “bible study drill,” then moved to sit on the pulpit so adults had the seats of the pews. (Oh, I’m sorry; that was forty years ago!) The point is, GOSPEL MEETINGS were FAMILY TIME events – and for the life of me, I don’t remember anyone complaining about them!
Now, with several GOSPEL MEETINGS in the area, already some are asking, “Wonder if we’ll have many come?” Others are bold in their comments and state, “They just don’t do any good anymore.” In answer to both, THEY STILL DO AS MUCH GOOD AS THEY ALWAYS DID FOR THOSE WHO ATTEND WITH GENUINE INTEREST. Read that again and note the “problems” with present-day gospel meetings!
I muse on such “missed opportunities” as GOSPEL MEETINGS. Galatians 6:10 tells us to “do good unto all men; especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” What better good comes than that of assembling to worship God in spirit and in truth? (Jn. 4:24) In such, we exhort, comfort, and admonish the brethren (1 Cor. 14:3) and simultaneously convict the gainsayer (Titus 1:9). If nothing else, it proves to saints and sinners alike how much we LOVE AND ADORE our God and worshipping with our brethren! We contend we are “godly people,” but it frankly seems some certainly limit God’s time in their lives. Let’s take advantage of GOSPEL MEETINGS and fill our minds with the TRUTH of the gospel, encouraging us all to be more diligent servants for our King!