Mike’s Musings …

It’s “Mother’s Day”

   Without apology, I confess to having great difficulty in writing articles about “mother.” My mother departed this life ten years ago on May 5, 2014. Dad passed nearly twenty-four years ago. Both were (and are) very dear to me and endeavoring to author articles dealing with such special times as Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, without being biased is emotionally difficult. Even now I muse on Mom as I write!

   Most of us realize we have but one mother in this life: only one who gave birth to us; only one who nurtured us for nine months before that day of deliverance into this world’s environment, and only one whose role in this life has earned the right to the esteemed identity of “mother.” And yes, I’m keenly aware of several who have had a woman who was never their biological mother but righteously filled the role of being a mother in every other respect! To them, I offer high esteem for their love, courage, and dedication to their task!

   Mothers are special! Her work is not limited to cooking, cleaning, and changing diapers. She is often thrust into the work of being a fashion designer, hairdresser, transportation director, nurse and doctor, counselor and disciplinarian, teacher, and coach; and sometimes all the above simultaneously! Further, seldom are her tasks limited to the attention of just one child. One need only read Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 to see the worth of this incredible soul!

   One day per year isn’t enough to honor this special lady! No, she doesn’t seek recognition. In fact, she blushes at such attention and consistently thinks herself unworthy: it is her job, and she loves her work! Yet, even on this one day of the year, too many children will neglect saying the simplest of statements: “Thank you” to the woman who loves them and sacrifices more than she has to make them better! Ephesians 6:1 – 3 needs to come to the mind of every child, regardless of age, with thanksgiving coming from their hearts as they reflect on the value of this one and only in their lives!

   How thankful we should be for such women whose lives are patterned after the dignity of Proverbs 31, the example of Sarah (1 Peter 3: 1-6), and the divine pattern of the church and her love for Christ (Ephesians 5:22 – 33). These women we affectionately call, “Mom” are indeed special, and their children need to honor that fact and rise up to call her blessed! (Proverbs 31: 10 – 31)