Mike’s Musings ….

It’s Nice to Sit and Lean for a Change

   When I first began working with Orleans, I asked to continue using “fifth Sundays” to help a struggling congregation in Illinois. I had done this for nearly twenty years, and they agreed I should not stop. Since that congregation disbanded about three years ago, these brethren have continued using fifth Sundays to allow our own to speak. I enjoy this immensely as it allows me to sit and learn! It isn’t a “day off” at all, and I refuse to accept it as such! Though preaching is demanding work, even preachers need to be educated in the word of God. Listening to these men present their study of God’s word provides a fresh examination of scripture. Therefore, it is always profitable!

   Think of the several professions that require “continuing education.” Lawyers, doctors, nurses, educators, skilled workers such as machinists, draftsmen, IT professionals, accountants, and many more must increase their already advanced knowledge to stay competent in their chosen work. Gospel preachers are no different. Though their study is constant, they can only increase their understanding of truth and righteousness by having it challenged and enlarged by those who show the same diligence in being a Christian. “Iron sharpeneth iron” is the proverb (Proverbs 27:17) and indeed every Christian is sharpened when we willingly take the time to sit and learn!

   Many think the “located/full-time preacher” is “the preacher.” No, he’s just the “loudest-mouthed church member” (if you recall my definition of “preacher.”) Men who can teach, preach, pray, read scripture, preside at the Lord’s table, etc. should do so! This is a tremendous opportunity to use and advance your talents, and thereby grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus (2 Peter 3:18). In the past, Wednesday nights were also used to permit these men the opportunity to speak. Frankly, we need to return to that practice!

   I muse as to how desperate the Lord’s church is for gospel preachers! There are many places seeking strong men to teach and preach. Further, we older men need to be humble enough to realize we don’t know it all and rejoice to sit at the feet of another and learn from them! The same is true for leading the church in song or prayer. If men can do it, they need to do it! All of us must continually learn and prove we have learned. We need to prove our knowledge and abilities with the knowledge we’ve gained by putting it to use. Let us older ones rejoice to stand down from time to time in favor of allowing others to learn how as we sit and learn more ourselves!