Mike’s Musings ….             

May I Put You On Hold? NO!

   This past week required me to make several telephone calls for various reasons. If God ever needed help from man to teach the development of patience, the invention of the business telephone should do the trick! Each waiting period started with the automated statement, “You are next in line,” followed by, “If you would like us to call you back, please press one.” Like that will allow you to leave your phone!

   I’ve tried very hard through the years never to put off those who call me. It seems reasonable that if they took the time to call, they have a need, even if their timing is not convenient. Most folks know the hours common to mealtime or bedtime, and only a few will interrupt those events. But when they do, it’s even more evident they need to talk. If you love them and are serious in your statement, “If I can help, just call,” you don’t put them on hold!

   Think about God hearing our prayers. When has He ever put us on hold? We often have serious matters that require our immediate help, and immediate consultation with God through prayer. We never need to worry about an automated reply saying, “You are next in line. If you wish to have us call you back, please press one.” (And you never need to concern yourself with reaching someone who doesn’t “speak the language.” God completely understands us, and we should have no problems understanding God!)

    When we read Hebrews 13: 5 – 6, that promise should never be considered as “just words.” Whatever God says, He means, and He said, “I will NEVER leave thee nor forsake thee!” Then the inspired writer tells us WHY God made this promise: “So that we can BOLDLY say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear what man shall do to me.’” That’s reliable service!

   When one muses on the omnipotence of Almighty God, one cannot but be impressed with His unmatched ability to hear us when we pray – ALL of us simultaneously if necessary. We can’t explain how He does it any more than we can adequately define God Himself. We know He is our Creator, He hears us, and His arm is stretched out still toward our needs. How He does what He does is not as ponderous to me as the reality of His abilities to always be available whenever and wherever I need Him! No, He’ll never put us “on hold” for any reason. And yes, He has an uncanny ability to teach us patience without the use of the telephone. (See Romans 5: 1- 5) Muse on these facts, friend, and then take the time to thank Him for being our Father: always there to prove His love and care for us without making us wait for its reception!