Mike’s Musings …
Minimum Wages?
Recently, President Biden signed an executive order to raise minimum wages to $15.00 an hour. I’m not about to get “political” with this musing, but only wish to reflect on “wages” for a bit.
From the first employment I had for hourly wages until the present, I’ve had no real complaints. My first job paid me just a bit more than $1.00 an hour while the last secular job (before preaching) paid me just a bit more than $2.00 an hour. After I began preaching “full time,” I’ve had a few secular jobs to supplement our income, and still never complained. Just as Paul was willing to do, so have I been. When needed, I’ve “built tents” and never regretted it!
Wages have been debated for years among business owners, whether a small business or giant corporations. Usually, certain standards play a part in salaries or hourly income. Certainly, education, experience, and talent have a great deal to do with wages, but at times, we’ve all seen them seemingly out of proportion. For example, are athletes really worth millions of dollars a year? Isn’t a brain surgeon’s skills worth more than a janitor’s? What about an educator’s acquired knowledge and skill as compared to the professional carpenter or mechanic? Are their wages comparable to their respected training and abilities? What about the general practitioner of medicine compared to the ironworker who must skillfully walk six-inch beams of steel hundred of stories high? Whose wages should be higher? By now, you understand my musing, but let me add one more: Is there any work with greater responsibility than that of teaching what one must do to be saved? What compensation does that earn?
Let me be clear! I AM NOT SEEKING A RAISE IN SALARY. The brethren here at Orleans, combined with the several others whose loving financial support sustains us, keeps us comfortable and our needs are met! I’m just asking for perspective in our judgments! When soldiers asked John the baptizer what they should do to please God, John answered them, “Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.” (emp. mjd) As a soldier of the cross, I’m VERY content to simply preach, albeit Paul’s inspired statement says, “Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9:14) I’ve no intention of “getting rich” by preaching. No sir! I am content (Hebrews 13:5). In fact, all I desire is to go to heaven having done all I can to take others with me by teaching and living the gospel of Christ. As one preacher taught me, “The wages might not be so good at times, but the bonus at the end of this life is out of this world!” So, let’s keep preaching … and be content!