Mike’s Musings ….
Offering Advice
Through the years, souls have come asking advice for various situations in their lives. When I first began “full-time preaching” in 1975, we had been married only two years and had only one child. A remarkable contrast happened in those early years. I preached a sermon entitled GOD AND THE HOME. One couple chided me saying, “You aren’t old enough to preach that kind of sermon. You haven’t got enough experience!” That same year another couple asked me to officiate their wedding, saying, “We like the way you and Nancy are setting the example for us.” Wow!
Now, nearly fifty years later in the same full-time work, advice is still offered, whether requested or not. Now, I can speak from experience. Now I have more knowledge of what God’s word says regarding life’s situations. Now, at least I believe I’m better equipped to help those in need of advice.
One thing is sure: advice still isn’t always a welcomed commodity! Even when Jesus was asked on multiple occasions, “What sayeth Thou?” He would advise them by using His Father’s word recorded in what we know as the Old Testament, and according to Matthew’s account of the mountain sermon, He added, “But I say unto you …” Though they heard Him as one with authority and not as the scribes (Matthew 7:29), and though His advice was sound and righteous as it came from God the Father (Hebrews 1:1-2), not everyone accepted it, and not everyone continued in it after they first accepted His word.
I muse on those who are willing to accept and heed the advice of truth and righteousness. It isn’t MY advice I want them to accept, but what God has said regarding the subject of their concern! Peter told us, “According to His (God’s) divine power, (God) has given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” (2 Peter 1:3) The problem is, just as when Jesus Himself spoke God’s truth by which all matters can be corrected and solved, the recipients either reject it altogether or fail to continue to follow it after they think they’ve endured the conflict!
In this flesh, we might be insulted a bit when those we advise ignore the wisdom offered. How much worse is it to knowingly ignore the goodness and righteousness of God Himself? (Hebrews 10:26 – 31) We in the flesh may feel so injured for the rejection, that we refuse to ever advise those souls again! But God doesn’t stop offering His word, His righteous answers, His love to those who cry for Him, even when they reject Him! As long as this time world endures, God’s advice is still true and available to all. But remember, Judgment Day is coming! That will be too late to seek His wisdom, advice, and answers!