Mike’s Musings …
Snow … No Complaints!
When answering Job concerning his questions, God replied, “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?” (Job 38:22 – 23) Scientists have proven there are no two snowflakes identical: another of God’s wonders. As I write this musing, I can see the acreage around our home and the depth of recent snowfalls. With only a single track of an animal going across the field, it surely baffles me as to how God can make each of those accumulated snowflakes different, pile them several inches deep, and then freeze them so hard that you can almost walk on the snow without denting it! Indeed, these wonders alone are treasures!
But there are greater treasures than the mere wonderment of snow’s beauty and composition. Did you know snow is a natural insulator; that it contains nutrients for the soil that most fertilizers cannot give; that if nitrogen is placed on a field of wheat just before snow, that nitrogen’s potency is increased by nearly a third? There are so many things that God has done through snow that we truly ought not to complain!
Sure, it makes it difficult at times to drive; schools are often canceled as are worship services because of the dangers. But snow itself isn’t the problem … it’s how mankind reacts to it. Snow has been used for water when water wasn’t readily available. Snow has been used as a refrigerant for years. Snow has even been found to help with wounds, and has been used as an anesthetizer for severe pain! Indeed, there are many treasures in the snow.
Just as surely, there are treasures in God’s Word. The deeper you study it, the more treasure you find. One preacher described it as “golden nuggets” when he studied and found something he hadn’t noticed previously. There are not only facts we need to learn, but surprising details if we look carefully. There are proofs of God’s creation long before science learned of them. There is the mention of animals long ago extinct, and even cavemen (but with intelligence!) in the days of old! God’s Book is filled with wonders great and small, and many more than are contained in a generous snowfall.
I muse on this reality and still ponder why so many fail to read, study, learn and obey this marvelous book called the Bible. The salvation of our souls is the main focus of its content, but the wonders revealed convincing us that God is God are multitude! Perhaps that’s the very reason for its presence to man: to keep us studious of its multiple treasures that bless our continued being!