Mike’s Musings ….
Study – Yes, That Subject Again!
“Study to show thyself approved unto God …” (2 Timothy 2:15). Those words have become a mantra from many preachers and bible class teachers. It is this fervent urging that reminds souls of the necessity of doing much more than merely reading God’s word; it is a plea for all to LEARN and UNDERSTAND what they read (cf. Acts 8: 30 – 31). But there is much more to the reason of this passage than the act of study – it is the need for God’s approval!
God blessed my siblings and me to have schoolteachers as parents. Grandmother Davis was one of very few in the state of Ohio to have earned a “lifetime teacher’s license.” (Ohio no longer offers such a license.) We children were expected to study our school lessons and “to show ourselves approved unto our parents.” It was not always easy, and there were times when we failed to gain their approval. Yet, it did not stop us from trying, and the effort to gain their approval only increased the need to study!
Of how much greater value regarding our eternity is gaining the approval of God our Father? No, there are no report cards received indicating our success or failure regarding His approval. Yet, WE know how much effort we give to study, and subsequently LEARNING and UNDERSTANDING as we continually study. Further, we know whether we have increased our abilities to share our knowledge of truth and righteousness with others, doing so with grace (Colossians 4:6) and accuracy (1 Peter 4:11).
No Christian should seek the approval of man rather than God! (cf. John 12:43; Acts 5:29). We must obey the context and content of 2 Timothy 2:15 – 26 with great seriousness, realizing it is GOD THE FATHER we must please, and in so doing, be effective in teaching those that do NOT obey God. Muse on that requirement and how well we stand in the reception of God’s approval. Without His approval, we are lost. With His approval, we must remain diligent to retain it!