Mike’s Musings ….
The Doctor Said I’m Fine
Most of us know what joy and relief it is to have the doctor examine us and say, “You’re fine!” Our anxieties are eased, our questions are answered, and we convince ourselves we’re nearer an “invincible” level of life! A few months later, we develop some type of ailment, return to the doctor who examines us, treats us, prescribes some medication, and assures us, “You’ll be fine, just take the medicine.” We always put a lot of stock in the doctor’s assurance, “You’re fine.”
The Great Physician examines us, finds our faults, and tells us, “Repent and obey Me.” Too many reply, “Oh, I think I’m fine, but thanks for your interest.” While they readily run to the doctor of the flesh for even the smallest of ailments and vigorously engage his advice regarding these ills, the same seemingly treat themselves regarding spiritual illnesses. It reminds me of the adage, “He who hath himself for a doctor, has a fool for a patient.” Remember, a fool is a godless person!
He who breathed into us the breath of life and made us living souls (Genesis 2:7) knows more about us than we know about ourselves. Through His only begotten Son’s death, He prepared the means of our salvation. The prescription is simple but must not be altered. We must hear the gospel, believe it, repent of our sins, confess that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, and be immersed for the remission of our sins. This is the only prescription that will work: none of man’s changing from this formula will accomplish the good the Great Physician designed! Yet, too many will reply, “I’m fine, God. I feel I’m all right with You.” Feelings can be deceiving. You know when your body aches; if you’re honest, you know when your soul aches as well! Why not listen to and obey the Great Physician’s righteous assessment of your needs?
I muse on the validity of these statements! So many, including those who have been immersed, tend to think they can manage their spiritual illnesses on their own, without the consultation of the Great Physician. Since when is Man wiser than God? Since when does Man know more about Man’s spiritual needs than the One who created him? Stop fighting God! Read James 4:17 and accept the diagnosis the Great Physician has made of your spiritual condition. He knows the cure. Obey Him!