Mike’s Musings ….         


   This past week, the news extensively covered the wildfires in the Las Angeles area. Though I only know one family in that area, I called him and learned he is some forty miles from the fires, and safe. Nevertheless, I watched intently as reporters showed the devastation. Thousands of acres are burned, and the fire chief stated it would be at least a week before they had the fires contained. Hundreds of homes are forever gone, including irreplaceable treasures of family mementos. Thousands of people are displaced with no knowledge of where they will go, or how to replenish their losses so they can start over. Insurance companies have stopped insuring many of those homes due to the potential of flooding or fire (both well documented for that area) and those that are covered have exorbitant premiums with minimal return. Add to this the loss of vehicles, schools, historic buildings, businesses, and the lives already reported, and the scores of injuries resulting from these fires. The cost is incomprehensible! Yet, it isn’t the greatest loss that can be experienced. What about the loss of SOULS?

   I’ve no desire to minimize the catastrophic loss these people have experienced. Their lives will be affected by this destruction for as long as they live. Even the youngest to grasp any aspect of this tragic event will not forget. Undoubtedly, as some officials have already expressed, dozens of changes in construction and prevention against loss will take place if they are at all able to rebuild and renew. But all such planning and corrections will require years to establish. The sad reality is that some will never recover from their temporal losses! What about their souls?

   At such times as this, the Lord’s remarks come to mind: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26 Regardless of what folks pay for a home, automobiles, the contents of their homes, or how much they value family heirlooms, the price of the SOUL is beyond comprehension! Jesus believed it worth His life and died to save it – the soul of each human being! But alas, far too many ignore that incalculable price and believe their earthly treasures are worth more. As the poet said, “To lose one’s wealth is sad indeed, to lose one’s health is more; but to lose one’s soul is such a loss, as no man can restore.” I muse on the need for every soul to realize his/her need to be righteous in God’s sight. That is only achieved by obeying Him in all we say and do; from hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, and being immersed, to dying in Him (Revelation 14:13). Don’t take chances with your soul. That item can NOT be replaced at any price!