Mike’s Musings ….

The “Run Around”

   Wow! After more than two hours of repeated telephone calls, being transferred from person to person, department to department, finally someone was willing to deal with the problem and assure a satisfactory resolution to the problem! But that “run around” is enough to make you wonder if the whole thing is necessary! Then again, that’s life – sometimes you must “jump through the hoops” to get to the result you truly need.

   While annoying and causes the one seeking the resolution to think he is unimportant (regardless of how often you hear, “Your call is very important to us”), it is comforting when someone finally says, “I will get to the bottom of this, and guarantee you an answer very soon.” Those businesses and their personnel who diligently pursue resolutions for their customers earn high marks of appreciation and respect. They prove their dependability when their promise comes to fruition.

   Christians should be the epitome of this type of conduct for all souls seeking a reason of the hope that lies within us! (1 Peter 3:15). While we may not always have the answer they are seeking, we must ALWAYS have an answer for the REASON of our hope! In other words, don’t “run around” the REASON you obey the Lord – TELL THEM STRAIGHT UP!

   Most people who ask about spiritual matters are interested. Granted, some are more interested than others, and many merely want to be “religious,” thinking “any church will do as long as they accept me as I am and don’t make me change my lifestyle.” Don’t give them any sort of a “run around.” Show them how many churches the Lord built (Matthew 16:18), and how one must change their life to conform to His (Colossians 3: 1-17) and therefore requires a tremendous change but change that makes your soul right with God! That is the REASON you give: viz. that you want to please God and therefore obeying Him in all you say and do is the only way to ensure gaining God’s approval!

   I muse on how often man gives us the “run around” and the reality that the Scriptures are straightforward in telling us what we must do to be saved, stay saved, and thereby prosper abundantly from our Father while here in this life, and retain the promise of eternal life when we die! It is Man who wants to make us “jump through hoops” we don’t need. Let’s be grateful that our Father told us what we MUST do to be accepted with Him, and then we’ll know what to tell others what they also must do to live acceptably with God our Father!