Mike’s Musings ….

Thunder, Explosion, or the Lord?

   Noise is nothing new around our place. This morning, several loud rumblings caused me to ponder whether it was thunder (with no clouds in the sky), explosions (stone quarries are not that far from our home), or whether it could be the Lord’s return. I recognized immediately it could NOT be the Lord’s return for that will take but a moment, the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52.)

   Then I pondered as to how many would even consider that such a sound could be the Lord. The reason: Most are simply not thinking He will return … at least not in our lifetime! How foolish (which means “godless” – Ps. 41:1; 53:1) to think the Lord will not return when His word says plainly, “Behold, He cometh with clouds; Every eye shall see Him, they also which pierced Him; with His mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the gospel.” Granted, He shall return at an hour when we think not (Luke 12:40), but that doesn’t preclude His coming – just because we aren’t thinking about it!

   When it thunders, the same thoughts come to mind because the voice of God is said to be like thunder (Job 40:9; Revelation 14:2). Then again, many simply proclaim, “That’s thunder. It must be getting ready to rain.” Oh, that they and all others would ponder, “Is that the Lord?” and truly pray it is! Or aren’t you looking for and hasting unto the coming of that great day? (2 Peter 3: 11 – 12).

   Yes, there are all types of noises, and with many of them, we just get used to them and ignore them. Even tornado sirens, emergency vehicles, or that loud tone from our phones warning of some approaching danger, don’t seem to alarm us. And because of that fact, many are simply ignorant (pronounced here as ig nor’ ant) of God’s warnings. While the only sign of His coming again was given centuries ago via His resurrection (Matthew 12:40), scoffers still mock saying, “Where is the promise of His coming?” (2 Peter 3:4) Sadly, for such souls, when He does return, the sounds heard under the sun (aka. In this time world … see Ecclesiastes) will have done nothing to increase neither their readiness for His return or much less their longing for it!

   I muse on the constant awareness of such sounds: one of these days, they will not be as repetitive, or as thought-provoking. Instead, that loud sound will be Christ’s return! Some of us will rejoice – others will eternally regret their lack of obedience in preparation for His return. Which are you?