Revelation 19



1– 6. As we enter this chapter, pause to consider the conspicuous “opposites” regarding the followers of the OPPRESSOR and the followers of THE LAMB. The destruction imposed on the great harlot is described in the preceding chapter. The consequences are seen as follows:


            THE LAMB ---

                       HALLELUJAH!!! (See definition)   

 The term “alleluia” or “hallelujah” (as more frequently spelled) means: “praise ye Jehovah.” The thankfulness of these saints, apostles, and prophets regarding the destruction of their greatest oppressor is from the mighty hand of God. To Him they give their praise and thanksgiving. Note from previous study, how such rejoicing was given for the Lamb (Rev. 5: 7 – 14), by the 144,000 (Rev. 7:9 – 17) and by the twenty-four elders (11:16 – 18). Now we find it given by the servants of God. The “voice of much people in heaven” is that of those within the kingdom of God (i.e., the church) who rejoice regarding the victory over such oppressions. The word used (i.e., alleluia) is found only in these four passages of the New Testament (vs. 1,3,4,6). It is by no accident this word has its use here and nowhere else in the New Testament.[1] This tremendous term of praise is in thanksgiving for the following witnesses/experienced victories given from God’s mighty hand:



3.      POWER




7.      SMOKE (the witnesses destruction of the oppression)

8.      SOVEREIGN (the unmatched royalty, deity, and guidance of God)

4. – 5. Notice the 24 elders and the four living creatures shout their voices in praise, saying, “Amen. Alleluia.” A voice from the throne (seat of God’s authority) said, “Praise our God, all ye His servants, and ye that fear Him, both small and great.” The symbolism is very evident: the authority of God desires all His creation to praise Him. (Compare Psalms 148)

 6.        “As the voice of a great multitude” shows the unity of all God’s people. The thunderous roar of this joyous refrain (as the voice of many waters, the voice of mighty thunderings) uniting in saying, “Alleluia (Praise ye Jehovah) for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth” is the greatest voice of unity and compliance ever spoken! The word “omnipotent” appears nowhere else in Scripture. It refers to God Jehovah as the “all ruling/all powerful sovereign.” Remember that as Jesus Christ ON EARTH even Jesus was subject to Him. Though all power in heaven and earth was given to Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18), Jehovah is exempted from that rule (1 Cor. 15:27). Our attention as Christians is to Christ – and yet our attention upon Christ admits the attention upon Jehovah whose rule/control/justice and decisions are eternal, right, and holy altogether!

 7.        This is the first mention in Revelation regarding the “marriage of the Lamb.” It is NOT the first mention as Christ being the Bridegroom and the church being His bride within Scripture. Read and carefully examine Ephesians 5:22 – 33 and 2 Corinthians 11:2. The PROMISE of this marriage is sure (1 Corinthians 15:24 – 28), and therefore the prophesy here shows its certainty; even to the point of being “one step closer” to its climax. Until then, it is the same commitment as the “espousal” of Joseph and Mary and of us to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2). Following the course of this text, we find the Christians rejoicing regarding the VICTORY and now the marriage of the Lamb to the Church is set – ready!

 8.        The bride (the church --- Ephesians 5:22 – 33) is granted an apparel of fine linen, clean and white (innocent and pure), and we note the definition is given: “the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.” Now compare the facts as well granting this righteousness. Examine Ephesians 2: 8 – 10 and note we are His “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, that we should continue in them.” These works are ones of RIGHTEOUSNESS. They have a TWO-FOLD purpose: 1. Work for others (Rom. 12:21 – overcoming evil with good; 1 Peter 3: 8 – 18 – bringing others to God; Luke 19:10 – seek and save the lost.). 2. Work for ourselves (“work out YOUR OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling”). While we are NOT saved BY works, it is certain we will not be saved WITHOUT works!

 9.        The angel makes a decree saying, “Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. These are the true sayings of God.” Notice ALL who are called to this marriage supper are BLESSED. It is filled with those who have been CALLED OF GOD to this feast. THEY ARE A PART OF THE MARRIAGE ITSELF; for to be called of God to obey is only answered WHEN we obey the gospel. (1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 17:14). Therefore, these who are called to the supper are the composite of the Bride: the church! (1 Peter 2: 1- 10)

 10.    John is so impressed with this greatness and its message he falls to worship the messenger! The messenger refused him and said boldly, “See thou do it not! I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: WORSHIP GOD: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy.” The last phrase of this verse is critical to the understanding of the rest (if not the entire) of Revelation. THIS BOOK WAS THEN STILL PROPHETIC! We know many of the events particularly described in this book have come to pass. In fact, the only prophesy yet to come is that of the return of Jesus Christ. However, FOR THESE that motivation (spirit) had to sustain these Christians yet for a time longer. Therefore, the allegiance HAD to be to God the Sovereign and to Christ the Bridegroom. These, like John, had to continue in their dedication to preach the truth: declare the TESTIMONY OF JESUS, which would tell others how they must obey, how they must live and how they must die. This SAME PROPHESY remains and SHALL REMAIN until He does return to judge the world in righteousness! (Acts 17:31)


            The phrase “from heaven” has as its ROOT meaning, “in the presence of God.” (Heb. 4:12 – 13) Thus, when we note the term “heaven” in the book of Revelation, we note FIRST “in the presence of God” and understand from the context whether it is relating to the CHURCH or to the CHURCH IN HIS PRESENCE. This understanding is crucial to the study of Revelation 19:1 – 10 and to Revelation 20 and 21. As we enter those passages, we will be more specific in relating this fact.

 [1]  The word does have connotation within the Psalms, but ONLY those written during the times of captivity, thus, the latter psalms wherein “Praise ye the Lord” most frequently appears.