Are You a Christian, Scripturally?

      It is not my intention to be caustic or in any fashion negative in this discussion! However, I must be honest and recognize the fact many souls believe themselves to be Christians while in reality, they have never complied with the commandments of our Lord to become children of God. Their belief is established solely in the fact they attend the assembly, they read their bible (occasionally), and they earnestly believe that God is God and that Jesus Christ died for the remission of sins. But their understanding of these things (worship, study and obedience, belief in God and Christ, and how one proves that belief) is sorely lacking. Sadder still is the fact they express complete “satisfaction” with this conviction and have no intention of changing it! They believe they ARE Christians only because they want to be “religious” and being a “Christian” is their choice of religion.

   Through the years, several studies have taken place with such individuals, and their statements are always remarkably similar. “I was baptized, but I don’t remember when.” “I was raised as a (religious name), but they teach just like you do.” “I was baptized when I was young and so I’m satisfied I’m just fine.” “My folks believed it this way, and that’s good enough for me.” These and a host of other-like statements attempt to justify their spiritual well-being, but not one of them can be supported by God’s word! Therein is the danger: without authority from the law of Christ (i.e., the New Testament), they offer only their opinions, and man’s ways (opinions) are not God’s ways! (Colossians 3:17) In other words, just believing they are Christians doesn’t make them Christians!

   There are five steps to becoming a Christian: 1) hearing the gospel – Matthew 17:5; 2) believing the gospel – Acts 8:37; 3) repentance of your sins – Acts 2:38; 17:30; 4) confessing Jesus is the only begotten Son of God – Acts 8:37; Romans 10:10; Matthew 10:32; 5) being baptized (i.e., immersed) into Christ for the remission of sins – Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-6; Mark 16:16. These are but a few of the several passages that can be given in defense of each step; examples of each being found throughout the book of Acts as souls obeyed the gospel. These steps prohibit infant baptism: babies cannot believe, repent, or confess their faith. These steps prohibit “joining” the church of your choice – or any “religion” for that matter – as those who followed this pattern were added to the Lord’s church by the Lord (Acts 2:47). These steps prohibit “belief only” as confirmation of being a Christian, for belief is only one of five steps of the whole to become a Christian!

   While some declare they were baptized, they contend sprinkling or having some water poured on their head is scriptural baptism. Show one passage in the New Testament that would support that conviction. Colossians 2:12 tells us we are “buried with Him in baptism.” Romans 6:1-6 says, “buried in baptism,” A careful study of Acts 8:38 – 39 shows the eunuch and Phillip BOTH went down into the water, and BOTH came up out of the water. Can that be done in less than enough water to bury the one being obedient? No! Then baptism must be a burial in water; done by the authority of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost for the remission of sins (Matthew 28:19 – 20).

   Becoming a Christian is the most serious of all matters you will ever face! It is too serious to take lightly, as though whatever you may or may not have done without complete understanding is acceptable to God. (Acts 8:26 – 39 and Ephesians 3:4; et al) God’s commandments are non-negotiable! Had He wished to permit man’s plans for salvation, He would have said so, but instead, we find, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.” (1 John 5:3) Again, this is not the only citation we could offer, but it is enough to prove the point: we are NOT subject to man’s thoughts regarding our salvation, but His!

   Let’s examine one more case. In Acts 19: 1 – 7, we read of twelve men who were believers (i.e., disciples). Paul asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit, to which they answered that they had never heard of a Holy Spirit. When asked unto what they had been baptized, they said, “Unto John’s baptism.” Remember this would have been John the Baptizer, who preceded Christ Jesus, and who was beheaded before Jesus died. Therefore, John was never a Christian, and never a part of the Lord’s church. The church of Christ began on the first Pentecost following the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 2) and those who scripturally obeyed the commandments of God for salvation were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts 11:26). Therefore, John’s baptism could no more make these twelve men “Christians” than souls today believing they are Christians simply because they have believed some form of religious teaching that cannot find command or example within the New Testament of Christ. Therefore, notice what Paul did with these twelve men. “Then said Paul, ‘John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on Him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.’ When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

   Frankly, we need to make our obedience to Christ absolutely sure (2 Peter 1: 1- 10). We’d be happy to discuss this truth with anyone desirous of sincerely obeying the gospel of Jesus Christ! Eternity in hell will allow no opportunity to repent from being wrong: it permits only eternal regret for being “satisfied” with believing a lie! Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) No one can change the lives and deeds of those who have passed before us. But you aren’t accountable for them any more than they can be held accountable for your deeds! We are judged on OUR deeds – no one but SELF! If those deeds are disagreeable with God, how can you defend your decisions? Only when we obey GOD are we found acceptable to Him! That’s why we urge you to be SURE, be SAFE, and be honest enough to examine yourself and see if you are indeed IN the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).

   Are you SCRIPTURALLY a Christian, or has man convinced you of something you can’t prove via God’s word? Don’t be in danger of losing your soul eternally: make sure you know Him (1 John 2:3).