Can I Write What You Need?

   A small group of his readers severely criticized an avid writer of spiritually informative materials. Their complaints charged him with “being too personal” with his accusations and “intentional harassment” of their choices of conduct in word and deed. He tried the traditional response of “If the shoe fits …” only to be further criticized as being “insensitive” and “caustic.” Though the barbs of these complaints were sharp and intentionally hurtful to the writer’s emotions, they did not deter him from writing what he knew was needed regarding the improvements of these precious souls. So, to stifle the writer’s consistency, his opponents falsely charged him with legal offenses and had him imprisoned. His captors were instructed to mistreat him as well, and because of the official's political posture, they obliged unerringly. Still, he continued to write and when granted the opportunity, he would publicly declare the same messages he had written. In case you were pondering the name of this resolute author, His name was Paul, the most prolific author of the New Testament.

   Dedicated Christians remain concerned for the number of souls who continue to ignore the words of the apostle Paul and in equal rebellion, the inspired words of the other writers of the New Testament and often, the words of Christ as well! It is as if they consider themselves exempt from various direct statements of these inspired writers, whose very words came first from God the Father (Hebrews 1:1-2) and then from Christ Jesus (John 14:26). What exempts them? Do they not accept the reality of Romans 1:16 combined with 2 Corinthians 5:10? Have they not read and understood Hebrews 2: 1 – 4 or Matthew 25:31 – 46? By what authoritative decree do they claim exemption?

   The fact is, just as in Paul’s time, many are “offended” by the word of God because they see themselves in sin and they don’t want to change! They have hardened their hearts against the commandments of God through the writings of the apostles (ex. Acts 19:9). Those who once knew God have permitted their foolish hearts to be darkened through selfish satisfactions of their lusts (Romans 1:18-32). Even those who claim to be children of God appear “unaffected” by the truth of God’s word! They either ignore it or believe it is directed at someone else; after all, they are “exempted.”

   What if such materials as you are reading here were written with directness toward your spiritual needs? By experience, some of us know what would happen. Many would leave in anger saying, “They criticized me,” when all we tried to do was teach what the Scriptures say and show regarding their conduct. Others would balk at the teaching, and insist such teaching was for someone else, but not them. Still others would agree heartily with what is written and taught, and when asked, assure all that their lives are being lived in strict accordance with God’s word: albeit when observed in private settings, one would rightly question their righteousness.

   Kindness and hatred are as opposite as night and day. Faithfulness and unfaithfulness are likewise opposites, just as right and wrong. There are no “gray” areas with God’s word: we either accept it or reject it, we either believe and obey it, or we are found in disobedience to God’s commandments. So, when bible class teachers, gospel preachers, and others who prove their love and care for our souls write or publicly proclaim what we need to hear and know, we ALL should appreciate every word of the discourse and thank God we have been given what we need!

   The fact is that we have precisely what we need! (2 Peter 1:3) Yet there are so many, including Christians, who believe the Lord’s church has no more importance in their life than their membership in some civic organization. Would they give God’s word greater heed if their names were attached to the sermons or articles? Probably not. Likely, doing so would have a negative effect even though the intent of writing and preaching such concerns would be to bring the sinner to repentance. Would it help to produce some tangible evidence that such souls need direct rebuke and discipline? For some. Yet others will react with vehement rejection of the evidence, claiming they “have every right” to say, do, and think whatever they wish in any given situation. Sadly, such souls are quite supportive of “hard preaching” if it touches the hearts of anyone other than themselves!

   Oh, how wise God is in keeping the sentences of the Judgment Day within the authority of His Son instead of the feelings and conclusions of mankind! (John 5:22-23; Acts 17:31) Because of friendships with some and disgust for others (often for no better reason than “personality differences”) some sins would be excused while others with the same guilt would receive the harshest of punishment. Proof of such a conclusion is seen by simply observing people. Jesus taught us to do this when He said, “By their fruits, ye shall know them,” (Mark 7: 15 – 20). The Lord won’t make any mistakes in His righteous judgment of us. We will be found either righteous or wicked; either faithful or unfaithful. There will be no negotiations, no arguments in defense of our words and deeds, for the Lord has given us precisely what we need. We either obey it or we don’t. While the choice is ours, the consequences are as well – and those consequences are eternal!

   Can we then write or speak what YOU need? (And I include myself in the question.) I submit we have, do, and will again with every gospel sermon and bible study we present! We do it every time we use God’s word and nothing else in the teaching of souls regarding what must be done to save our souls from sins past and retain that promise of eternal life day by day! There is no “time off” from living as a Christian – not even a moment! Not only our words and deeds are to be controlled by God’s word, but our thoughts are as well (Hebrews 4:12-13). The question is, DO WE CARE ENOUGH TO OBEY?