Recently, some brethren were on a trip and searched for the Lord’s church so they could worship Him on the Lord’s Day. Their desire to remain faithful in this duty is without question, but this time, their journey took them to an area in which they had no experience, and therefore, finding the Lord’s church became a challenge. They drove for several miles from their place of stay and finally in a city appearing to be about the size of their home city, they located a building on which the sign read “Church of Christ.” They noticed the time of services and with this information, determined to be there on the Lord’s Day.
I’ll avoid the details of what they found when they arrived and sum it up by saying that it took only a glance at what they saw to prove to them they were not within a building where the Lord’s church assembles! Yes, it said “Church of Christ” on the sign, but inside were obvious items of contradiction to God’s word regarding His wholesome doctrine! They left in haste rather than engaging in the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). It reminded them of the Lord’s statement, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15)
What is related here is a true story that unfortunately has been repeated numerous times. It is unfortunate that some souls believe they have every right to add to the sacred content of God’s word, and still call the group assembling in that place, the church of Christ. (See Revelation 22: 18 – 19) From instrumental music to fellowship halls built for the entertainment of the members (including meals, sports teams, and various groups of members coming solely for the entertainment offered) to the plea for support of man-made institutions of civic origin, these places may claim to be the church Christ established, but by their actions, they speak otherwise! (Matthew 7: 15 – 20) More unfortunate are the souls who will defend it saying, “Well, I don’t support everything there, but I can worship there.” Really? What do you do with 1 Corinthians 15:33 and 1 Thessalonians 5:22?
Just how much does one need to add to God’s truth to be guilty of changing it to something God didn’t say? Just how much of God’s word does one need to ignore or leave out before they have depleted from the sacredness of what God has spoken? To do so borders dangerously close to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31) The Pharisees were condemned for making the word of God of none effect (Matthew 15: 3 – 9). Do we think Jesus is any more pleased with those who today change God’s word to the whims of their mortal minds?
The Lord’s church is known as His house (1 Timothy 3:15), His body (Ephesians 1:22 – 23); His bride (Ephesians 5: 22 – 33); and His kingdom (Ephesians 5:5). Since these descriptions are singular (one house, one body, one kingdom, one bride) does it not make sense to understand that in every place you find the church of Christ it should appear the same in every aspect? Unless you have more than one of each, it is reasonable to believe the bride, body, kingdom, house (whichever description you wish from scripture) you would find is identical for it is the same –just one! Any change would indicate it is NOT the Lord’s house, bride, kingdom, or body. Yet, there are some so brazen with their convictions that their additions and/or subtractions disguise the true identity of His church, and to appease the lustful interests of those dissatisfied with the beauty Jesus gave to His church!
Further, since Jesus bought it with His blood (Acts 20:28) by what authority do its members make unlawful and unauthorized changes in its functions including worship, teaching, and practice? Just placing “church of Christ” over the door or on the sign doesn’t make it His church. Its identity is proven by what it says and does – just like our identity as Christians is proven by what we say and do (Colossians 3:17). You can hang a sign that says, “I am a Christian” on the neck of anyone, but that doesn’t make that person a Christian. Souls need to hear, believe, repent, confess, and be immersed to become Christians (Acts 2) and then live faithfully until their death (Revelation 2:10; 2 Peter 1: 1 – 10) to prove they are God’s children. Anything different from this behavior voids their identity as a faithful child of God, i.e., a Christian. We also are purchased with the blood of Christ Jesus (1 Peter 1:18 – 25; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23). By what authority do souls steal from Christ what is His to adhere to a life that He doesn’t own? The same is true of the church of Christ which Christians comprise (1 Peter 2: 1 – 12).
It behooves us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) For the same reason, it behooves us to remember who owns the Lord’s church, and who owns us via the shedding of His blood! We are His servants – nothing more and nothing less! We have no authority to change anything of His word or His church. We must appreciate what belongs to Him and appreciate the privilege of being a part of it via our obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just having a sign that says “church of Christ” doesn’t prove a thing! We are known by what we say and do – and what we say and do must be completely and solely from His authority, not ours!