Do You Need a Doctor?
Some folks are very reluctant to go to a physician. They realize they are sick or hurt, but if there is any way to avoid going to the doctor, they’ll endeavor to avoid the appointment. For me, going to a dentist is the hardest appointment to keep regarding the medical field. I just don’t like being poked with sharp objects in my mouth! But there are times when it is necessary, and since I can’t do my own dental work, I make the appointment and endure the pain. Frankly, the same is true for any medical necessity. Can you do surgery on yourself? No! Can you examine your blood, or your internal organs and determine the exactness of the illness and its cure? Extremely doubtful! Therefore, as our Lord said, “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.” (Luke 5:31)
While certainly a fact in the physical realm, our Lord’s statement has a greater importance in the spiritual realm! That spiritual and temporal efforts for physical healing are united in the avenue of prayer is quite true! (James 5:13-15), Still, we must remember both (knowledge of illness and prayer) are required to be complete in righteous, and it still requires God to combine them to work according to His will (1 John 5:14-15). As my doctor grandfather used to tell his patients, “God gave man the ability to learn what is ailing a man, and the ability to learn what man can do to fix the illness, including what medicines to use. But regardless of man’s knowledge, it still takes God to make it work!”
Eyes, ears, heart, digestive system, broken bones, neurological problems, mental health, et. al; each of these find attention in the scriptures and were healed at one time or another miraculously. The Lord healed many with diseases and even raised the dead. We find records of the apostles giving attention to the infirm and healing them. But the days of miraculous spiritual gifts have ended (1 Corinthians 13: 10-11) Nowadays, we must seek the assistance of skilled, knowledgeable physicians, many of whom specialize in particular areas of our physical needs.
But lest the reader think we are concerned only about physical ills, let me quickly remind you our text has nothing to do with physical ills! Read the context of Luke 5: 27 -32. What healing Jesus had done, was before this occasion, before He had called Levi (aka. Matthew) to follow Him. The question from the Pharisees and scribes asked why Jesus would eat with publicans (i.e., tax collectors) and sinners. It is then He answers, “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.” Who in this crowd was physically ill? No, they were spiritually ill!
Think of Jesus, the One we might call the Great Physician, and how easily He healed all manner of diseases. Think how easily He restored sight, hearing, speech, and the ability to walk, cleansed leprosy, and even raised the dead! All that was physical – but even greater is His cure for spiritual blindness, deafness, the inability to speak plainly and boldly the unsearchable riches of Christ, the ability to walk in His truth and righteousness, and even to rise to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:1-6); i.e., those who are obedient to the gospel! Why souls in such conditions fail to note the power of this spiritual Healer is beyond my comprehension! It is so readily available and requires but a few minutes of life’s time to complete every step of obedience. That’s a true statement: How long does it take to listen to the proven gospel of Jesus Christ, and then believe its truth? How long does it take for that truth to affect the sickness of your soul (i.e., sin) and demand your repentance? How long does it take to confess your belief in the undeniable truth that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God? It takes but a very few minutes to prepare for being immersed into Christ, and in truth, from the time you are in the water, buried beneath it, and raised to walk in newness of life, takes less than a minute! To be rid of the sickness of sin, and given life in Christ Jesus (Colossians 3:1-4), don’t you think it worth your while to consult, listen to, learn of, and obey this Great Physician?
In my life, I’ve known a few who physically seemed to “enjoy ill health”. Whether they wanted the attention of others or were literally so ill that every conversation had to do with additional ailments, I’ll leave it to the discretion of others. But I will tell you they were constantly miserable, and they inflicted that misery upon others! No one desired to be around them because of the contagion of such miserable illnesses (both physical and emotional.) Can we not see the same deadly virus of sin has the same vile contagious effect? (1 Corinthians 15:33). We need to heed Paul’s inspired advice from the next verse: “Awake to righteousness, and sin not’ for some have not the knowledge of God; I speak this to your shame.”
But how does one convince others they need this knowledge of God? There are two ways, and both are effective: Colossians 3:17! Those of us desiring to help others must recognize ourselves as “nurses” in a sense. We must gain the patient’s “spiritual history” and their “vitals” before the Great Physician examines them and orders the treatment for their sins. How do we do this? First, be willing to go into the room with them! (Romans 12:16). You can’t be afraid of the disease and help the patient! Second, don’t be embarrassed when they reveal their history. It may be quite sordid, but if they are willing to repent, all of that past can be forgiven once they obey the gospel. Be patient with the patient; after all, not everyone “enjoys” going to the doctor! Then bring in the Great Physician. Let Him examine them carefully. This means that as the “nurse,” you’ll be right there to help them understand and assure them this Doctor knows more about them than they know about themselves! Help them accept the prescribed treatment and help them schedule regular visits with the Doctor!
Do YOU need this type of Doctor? If so, we know He’s available!