Gospel Preachers We’ve Known
Recently, a group of us were talking about preachers we’ve known through the years, and one asked about the man who preached the funeral of one notable soldier of Christ. None of us could recall, but a Google search from another revealed the information. Within that obituary were the names of three men who presided at the brother’s funeral, and the six names of those who served as pallbearers. Not surprisingly, all but three of these names are brethren I’ve known or still know and count as friends.
Another preacher friend frequently writes of preachers he has known. These short biographies usually serve as obituaries because these men have recently passed from this time world. In his writings, he tells of how he met these men of God and the influence they had on his life as a soldier of the cross.
Some years ago, efforts began to record short biographies and brief histories of gospel preachers whose influence mentored me in righteousness. Recordings of their voices, pictures, valued letters, and in many cases, the Bibles these men used faithfully as they preached have become treasured articles in my library.
I mean no “brag” in this admission, but I have been abundantly blessed to have known or yet know dozens of faithful men whose work has been or continues to be preaching Christ and Him crucified! As a teenager, I enjoyed sitting at the feet of these aged men. From their use of “bed sheet sermons,” to their booming voices, to their unerring quotation of God’s word, to their persuasive yet loving manner of speech, these men taught me so much! Once I obtained my driver’s license, I often would take preachers to and from their gospel meeting appointments, gaining me three sermons instead of just one: one going, one when we got to the location, and one on the way home!
Many of these, like Abel of old, being dead yet speak. (Hebrews 11:4) Their influence still prompts study, reflection on their messages, and diligence in proving all things and holding fast that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21) In memory, their voices, mannerisms, quaint sayings, etc. are as clear as if seen and heard today! Most memorable are their words, “You can’t learn God’s word by just reading it; it requires study.” Another mentor was constant in reminding me, “If that two-edge sword doesn’t convert the hearers, then your opinion sure won’t move them!” Yet a third was urgent in telling me, “Whenever you are asked to do something in the service of the Lord, whether in the worship or outside the assembly, never refuse to do it. You may never get the opportunity again.” Oh, the lessons taught and learned!
Someone might ask, “Who is the greatest preacher you’ve ever known?” That’s not hard: it’s Jesus Christ! No man, including the apostles, could ever become as masterful at speaking God’s word, expressing its meaning, demonstrating it in illustrations (i.e., parables), or emphasizing its importance with persuasive yet loving instruction as our Lord Jesus Christ. Every gospel preacher, and every man endeavoring to teach or preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, will find no greater example (1 Peter 2:21) by which to pattern his Many strive to be like Paul or Peter or even as humble and contrite as John. But a careful study of each of these and all other biblical examples of those preaching and teaching the truth will reveal they patterned themselves after Jesus. Who is the greatest I’ve ever known? JESUS!
Admonitions from great gospel preachers are multitude in number; yet none as important as those from the lips of our Lord. Even what the apostles said came first from the mouth of Jesus (John 14:26), whom Himself spoke as God had instructed Him (Hebrews 1:1-2; John 17:8). While their words may be “Speak where the bible speaks, be silent where the bible is silent; call bible things by bible names, and do bible things in bible ways,” they reminded you that statement came from the simplicity of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and Titus 2:1.
Like Jesus, these souls always had time to discuss God’s truth with any interested soul. Jesus never needed an “appointment book,” but as He had the opportunity, He used it to the benefit of the inquisitive soul. Like Jesus, these men expressed compassion on souls who appeared as sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:36). Like Jesus, these faithful ones exhibited great patience, being swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. (James 1:19) Oh how we pray younger preachers will heed those words and examples!
Finally, regardless of how many preachers any of us may have known or know, we must realize only the greatest of them all, JESUS, is able to save our souls! Too many think “clinging to the coattails” of their “favorite” human preacher will save them. Not so, dear friend! Just as they were taught, so they taught others: “Save yourselves from this untoward generation.” (Acts 2:40). Jesus is the only Being that cannot and will not be judged on Judgment Day: all the rest of us, living or dead, will be judged for the deeds done here in this body (2 Corinthians 5:10). Whom are you following? Man or the greatest of all gospel -preachers – JESUS?