I Like Mom’s Spaghetti

   When Nancy and I married, she was determined to make sure I remained happy, even to the cooking of my favorite meals. One of my favorites is spaghetti. She knew Mom had made it for years, and I had bragged on Mom’s. So being the devoted wife she is, she fixed spaghetti for our supper. While it was very good, it wasn’t like Mom’s … and I admitted the same to Nancy. She was naturally disappointed but tried again … and again … and again! She must have tried a dozen or more spaghetti sauces until she finally called Mom and asked for the specifics of her recipe. “Oh, I don’t use any store-bought sauce,” said Mom. “I just use ketchup and some sugar and stir it all together with hamburger.” Nancy’s done it that way ever since!

   The point is, we get used to things from our youth up, and any change from the “original” of our youth is difficult for us to accept. I remember my grandparents trying to get used to “direct dialing telephones” and “color television.” (My Grandmother once thought the football players waving at the camera on the sidelines could see us in her living room!) I can remember trying to adjust from a typewriter to a computer, and then from a Commodore 64 computer to Windows, and then the subsequent changes! Is it any wonder it was hard to imagine a spaghetti different than Mom’s?

   Religion is no different. Souls get used to a particular belief and any change from those tenants, regardless of how sincerely made, just don’t taste right to the one who has known no different. But that doesn’t make either religion right in or of itself! What MAN concocts is of MAN’S origin alone. MAN is not the highest of intelligent creatures, though he is made in the image of God. MAN must accept he is in the IMAGE of God … but man is not GOD!

   Therefore, we must accept GOD’S design of truth and righteousness! (James 1:23 – 25; Hebrews 1:1-4; 2: 1-4; et al) Man endeavors to improve it, or make more to his taste, but in doing so, ruins the original! This is precisely why God condemned any changing to His word (Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18 – 19). Once altered in any fashion, God’s word ceases to be His and becomes Man’s (Matthew 15: 1 – 20). Man simply cannot equal the integrity, dignity, honesty, and most POWER that is in God’s word (Romans 1:16 – 17; 1 Corinthians 1: 18 – 25). No one can improve God’s recipe (aka. WORD).

   As well, notice the simplicity of God’s word. Like Mom’s recipe for spaghetti, it is void of complexities and fancies. It is purposely simple and plain. As Isaiah states, “And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” (Isaiah 35:8) Of the teaching of Jesus, Mark records, “The common people heard Him gladly.” (Mark 12:37) Paul said, “When you read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:4) Still Man desires to “improve the recipe” and complicate what God has spoken. For me, I prefer the original – what I can read, study, learn and obey from the simplicity of God’s word only – uncomplicated by the whims of man, and learned only by the study of His word which compares spiritual things with spiritual (2 Corinthians 2). What about you and your taste for truth and righteousness?



Rejoice With Us!

STEVE AND THERESA VESTAL requested this last Lord’s Day evening to be identified with the Lord’s word at Orleans church of Christ. They obeyed the gospel of Christ in Kentucky after searching diligently for several years to find what the Scriptures teach. They are presently residing here in Orleans on Roosevelt Street. Steve works for Indiana University and Theresa works in their home. We are pleased to welcome them into our midst and look forward to a long and profitable service together in the cause of Christ!



For the Present … And We Pray Always!

For the present time, and we pray for the future as long as God desires for a future, we at Orleans church of Christ have NO desires or plans to discontinue any of our present worship services or bible studies. For those attending, we leave the wearing of masks and “social distancing” to your personal discretion. As we faced a similar challenge a year ago, we are better prepared to face this present one … and any future one should this virus or some other hindrance engage itself upon us.



For those unable to assemble with us, should you desire audio copies of the sermons or our studies of James or Joshua (our present studies), we can make CD copies of these occasions. (It is preferred you have a CD player that will accommodate the mp3 format, which is the most common form of CDs.) If you wish to receive these, please contact us via email or phone.