Sadly, the realities of 2 Timothy 4:3 – 4 not only arrived long ago, but they remain. Peter’s statement of 2 Peter 3:16 is another whose truth is too frequently noted. One need not look far to see the advancement of men’s doctrines rather than the doctrine of Christ.

   No one denies the factor of LOVE Jesus exemplified. All agree it was evil “deeds” He hated and not evil “people.” (cf. Rev. 2:6). The point is Jesus never compromised TRUTH in order to bring sinners to repentance. The fact is He confronted falsehoods, proved them wrong, and refused to stand for such compromise (ex. Mark 11:17). Jesus fully explains the problem in His statement in John 3:19: “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

   Jesus declared He was given ALL authority in heaven and in earth (Matt. 28:18). Paul, via inspiration, demands we “prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess. 5:21) John by the same inspiration demands we “Try the spirits whether they be of God …” (1 John 4:1) Several passages caution against our changing from the sacred record to doctrines suitable for man’s desires. (Rev. 22:18 – 19; Gal. 1:1 – 10; Matt. 15:8-9; et al).

   Do “traditions” exist among us: i.e., those actions and/or customs we have so long tolerated that we would now contend they are “divinely ordained?” Yes, sadly, they do! Thank God for brethren who so challenge themselves and their fellow brethren to “prune” such matters from “trees” of their local work. (2 Cor. 11:22; Gal. 5:12).

   All Bible students realize there are three aspects to proving AUTHORITY: Divine Command, Apostolic Example, or Necessary Implication. Not so many years ago, faithful ones used the expression, “We speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent. We do Bible things in Bible ways and call Bible things by Bible names.” The precedence for both truthful statements is Colossians 3:17. Without the AUTHORITY OF GOD’S WORD authorizing our words and deeds, we have either added to or taken from the sacredness of His Word! Some would contend we may use the Old Testament patterns as our “law” for today’s church. While students agree these are a shadow of good things to come (Heb. 10:1-10) they are NOT the very image of the things (ibid.) The things of the O.T. are as a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ (Gal. 3:24 – 25). Yet, that law is no more (Col. 2:14) and so for the Lord’s Kingdom today, we are limited to His Law of the New Testament!

   Many are about gaining “numbers” and remain determined to do so “by any means of expressing love to all.” I would be foolish to object to such a motive if that were TRULY the case! However, many in their efforts of “loving deeds” displace TRUTH when attempting to display their LOVE. God is love (1 John 4:8;16). Therefore, to show TRUE LOVE, such must be demonstrated according to God and not man. Therein requires the TRUTH. It is impossible for God to lie (Heb. 6:18; Titus 1:2). Therefore, what these souls do to entice others to assemble and/or learn the Word of God and become obedient to that TRUTH must itself be TRUTH and without controversy.

   Examine these passages and note where TRUTH must exist: Col. 1:3 – 8; 1 Thess. 2:13; 1 Tim. 3:14 -15; 1 John 4:6. Now read these passages regarding God’s actions upon those ignoring the existence of TRUTH: Rom. 1:18 – 25; 2:2.

   Israel’s “beginning of the end” came when they rejected God and desired a king “that [they] might be like all the nations around them.” (1 Sam. 8). Though God granted their request, many forget the consequences of their sin (ibid.) The longer Israel retained the customs and the idols of the heathens, the more they became like them: resulting in the division of the nation, and the captivity of both divisions. If things written aforetime are for our learning (Rom. 15:4) why would any local body of Christ claiming to be His Kingdom, His bride, His church desire to practice that which is so much like the world and less and less like the unique and TRUTH FILLED body of our Lord Jesus Christ?

   How shameful it is to find those who respect the traditions, customs, and desires of man, and the “authority” gained by their approval instead of God’s approval, in favor of the unerring counsel of God. Frankly, such practices are NOT due to a “desire to please man rather than God” as much as they are simply evidence of a LACK OF STUDY and a greater LACK OF RESPECT for God and godly things! It may bring in numbers to their assemblings and do so under the guise of “love.” But if these souls are not taught the TRUTH and ONLY the truth, what advantage are the numbers?

   Let us thus study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15). We can live ETERNALLY without the praises of men – but we cannot escape the wrath of God if we fail to have His praise for being FAITHFUL in His service! Our plea is consistent: Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, proving all things; holding fast that which is good; knowing it is of the Lord that ALL truth and righteousness exists. Find it in His Word, and then live it!