Looking for the “Perfect” Congregation?
It is a problem that must “cycle” every so often, for every few years there are brethren who “go looking” for what they perceive to be the “perfect” congregation of the Lord’s church. In years past, stoic preachers dubbed this search as “church hopping.” Somehow the phrase morphed into “church shopping” but the reason remains the same: these souls are looking for what THEY desire and are thus searching for the “perfect congregation” as seen through THEIR eyes.
When one soul confessed this action to a respected and trusted preacher, his reply was shocking. Said he, “When you find that congregation, you can’t go!” Shocked, the questioner insisted the preacher expose why it would be impossible for this soul to join the work of that “perfect” place. “Because when YOU join them, they will no longer be “perfect;” or don’t you believe 1 John 1?” The point was made, and the lesson was received!
Someone wisely observed, “The Lord’s church is not a sanctuary for saints, but instead, it is a hospital for sinners.” That’s not an inspired estimation of the Lord’s church, but it is accurate. What makes the Lord’s church PERFECT is not the sinless lives of its members, (1 John 1: 5-10) but the COMPLETING FACTOR found in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 2:10) The original language of that passage is, “having been filled.” What then is needed? If full, then adding to the Lord’s church would mean Christ Jesus is insufficient. If full, then subtracting from the Lord’s church would force its insufficiency. Further, if complete IN Christ Jesus, anything OUTSIDE of Him would be incomplete. Where then is the “perfect church”? Answer: IN Christ!
Man is given but two ways of thought: carnal mindedness or spiritual mindedness. (Romans 8:6) Paul’s inspired statement of Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Thoughts within us need to be spiritual when considering the Lord’s church. It is His, not ours! We’re privileged to be the living stones comprising it (1 Peter 2:5). What makes us “living?” Christ Jesus! (Colossians 3: 1-17). Christ is the “perfection/completion” of each of us who comprise His church. Are you looking for the “perfect congregation?” If so, look to your brethren and realize how each of them, and YOU, are made perfect/complete IN CHRIST. (Galatians 3:27)
With Romans 8:6 in mind, what of a temporal sort could “improve” the Lord’s church? Some contend man’s contributions of institutions, entertainment, and a more “socially structured” worship would make the Lord’s church “more appealing” to youth and elderly alike. If that were true, why did not the apostles strive to have brethren build the institutions, organize the entertainment, and blend the social structure of the day into the establishment of the congregation? Answer: either there were no youths to educate, or the Lord’s church was not in the secular education business. Either there were no sick people, or elderly in need of long-term care, or the church was not in the hospital, or assisted living business. Either no one desired entertainment of various sorts or the church was not in the entertainment business. Either the church was to be separated from worldly practices, or it wasn’t! (2 Corinthians 6:14 – 18) What does the perfection of our Lord indicate to you? With Him as the head of the body the church (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22 – 23) by what authority does any man dare to attempt “improvement” to the church that belongs to Christ Jesus?
The “perfect” congregation of the Lord’s church DOES exist when the brethren comprising the local work realize they must do ALL by the authority of Jesus Christ, and NOT by the acceptance of man’s desires! (Colossians 3:17) The church of Christ exudes brother love (Hebrews 13:1), earnestly defends the gospel of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:17), and the faith that was once for all time delivered to the saints (Jude 3). The “perfect” congregation realizes their need to walk in the light as God is in the light and to confess to Him and one another our sins that via the blood of Christ Jesus and the Father’s faithfulness and justice toward us, we can be forgiven and made complete again (1 John 1: 5-10; James 5: 16; 2 Corinthians 4:16).
No, if you are looking for a congregation without problems, without faults, whose members are themselves without error of any type, even if you do find one like this, joining it will make it imperfect (1 John 1: 5 – 10)! That is why it is so vital for each member to carefully examine him/herself (2 Corinthians 15:5). We can teach YOU where perfection reigns supreme and how to enter Jesus Christ and gain this perfection! (Romans 6:1-6) We are NOT perfect in ourselves – but we are MADE perfect in Him!