“Preachers Are Amenable to It as Well!”
A recent bible study among gospel preachers (and others who cared to listen and study online) discussed CHURCH GROWTH. They presented several thought-provoking facets of what should be done to increase not just attendance but increase the diligence of each member. I commend this study to anyone interested in this discussion. Go online to either Facebook or YouTube and search for TruthFactorLive, Episodes 321 and 322. (This is the study I mention here.)
In the course of the discussion, it was of major importance to show the necessity of “diligent brethren” regarding their study, their righteous example before others, their enthusiasm for being with the saints, their encouragement toward others including visitors, etc. Then one of the brothers said, “Preachers need to be teaching these things …” and while he is right, it struck me: PREACHERS ARE AMENABLE TO WHAT THEY PREACH AND TEACH JUST AS ARE THOSE WHO HERE WHAT HE PREACHES! We cannot be like Diotrophes, who loved preeminence, (3 John 9 – 11), or like the Pharisees who would say and do not (Matthew 23: 1 -12). Yes, if we preach, we must “walk the walk, a.” and talk the talk” (James 3: 1), “making full proof of [our] ministry (2 Timothy 8:5)
But sadly, it must be admitted some preachers think themselves “exempt” from many things they preach and teach. Of these, Peter says they “wrestle (i.e., twist) the scriptures to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). For example, while these may preach the virtues of Matthew 25:31 – 40, caring for the hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, in prison, etc., are “beneath their dignity.” Others will proclaim the necessity of fervent study, while they themselves imbibe a variety of extracurricular activities. Don’t misunderstand: there’s nothing inherently sinful about enjoying some relaxing, fun-filled activities. Even the Lord went fishing with His disciples! But never should the preacher seek personal recreation to the exclusion of serving our Lord! Yet, for the preacher to say, “I’m too busy” only to be found wasting valuable time catering to his desires is sinful (1 John 2: 15 – 17). Besides being hypocritical, it sets the wrong example for growth!
Being a gospel preacher doesn’t in and of itself elevate the man to some position of respect and dignity. In fact, being a gospel preacher isn’t a “position” at all: it is a work within the Lord’s kingdom that needs doing and some of us men are willing to do that work. As with any job a Christian desires to do, the preacher must do it heartily as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23; Ephesians 6:5 – 8). While Paul said that it is righteous for gospel preachers to be compensated for their labors (1 Corinthians 9), the inspired condemn self-exaltation (James 4:10; 1 Peter 5: 6 – 7). Preachers are amenable to these “rules of conduct” as well!
But let’s be clearer still: WHO IS A PREACHER? By definition (Webster), a preacher is, “a person who delivers a sermon publicly; one whose function is to preach sermons, a MINISTER;
one who inculcates or exhorts something earnestly.” While we all understand (or should) the New Testament shows by example this role is left to the men who will “make public proclamation” (from the Greek for “preacher”) as commanded by Paul to Timothy (2 Timothy 2:2). But put in simple terms, a preacher is “a loud-mouthed church member.” He can speak publicly and by applying his time to the diligent study of God’s word (1 Timothy 4:13 – 15), he devotes himself to the task of preaching (2 Timothy 4: 1 – 8). His voice is just a little louder, and sometimes a bit bold, but he is still a member of the Lord’s church: no better or no worse than any of those under the sound of his voice. Yet, to be the best preacher he can be, the preacher must understand, he is amenable to God’s word just as are the souls he endeavors to reach with God’s word!
By now, if you’ve read carefully, you’ve noticed that ALL of us are amenable to God’s word! We cannot escape its application to us, any more than the preacher can ignore its commandments (Hebrews 2: 1 -4). Indeed, those who SPEAK (preach/teach) this truth receive the greater condemnation (critique with punishment – James 3:1). Every member of the Lord’s church is accountable (another word for “amenable”) to the commandments of our Lord! We ALL will appear before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of the deeds done here in this body (2 Corinthians 5:10). To know to do good and not do it is sin (James 4:17). Therefore, no Christian can sit idly by and expect someone else to make the church grow numerically or spiritually! IT IS THE WORK OF EVERY MEMBER OF THAT LOCAL CHURCH!
“But I don’t know how” should be answered, “Let me show you how.” “I don’t want to” should be answered with, “Don’t you love the Lord?” “That’s the preacher’s job” should be answered with, “Your example is preaching! Do you like what you’re preaching? Will it save or condemn others?” Yes, we’re ALL amenable to God’s word … and each of us must realize our duty toward it!