Some Things You Need to Know

Some of our readers may be unfamiliar that there are several items of Bible study that may interest you. First, every Tuesday morning at 10:00, we assemble here at the meeting house for Bible study. Presently, we are studying Revelation. Notes of this study are available upon request, as well as recordings of the studies if you are unable to attend. Second is our Wednesday night study. Presently, we are studying Genesis and have reached the end of the 32nd chapter. We have recordings of most previous studies (some studies were unfortunately not recorded). Each Lord’s Day morning at 10:00 there are bible study classes appropriate for all ages. At 10:45 and again at 5:00 each Lord’s Day, we worship God in spirit and in truth. Each sermon is recorded and made available to any who desires a copy.


This information is posted regularly on our website (, with our weekly publication THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING posted on the website and our Facebook page (Orleans Church of Christ.) With THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING is an article entitled MIKE’S MUSINGS. This portion of TWT has been a part of Mike’s weekly writings for well over forty years. It also is posted on our website and FB (Mike’s Musings.)


While our website is being reviewed for improvements, we do encourage you to look at it and avail yourselves of the materials of study we offer. We use only the Bible as a text for our study, and even the notes offered, reveal our insistence on proving all things, holding fast to that which is good, with scriptural notations. If you find us in error, we welcome your critique and agree to discuss the matter with you at your convenience.


Orleans Church of Christ stands ready, willing, and able to help you in your study and understanding of God’s word. Our greatest desire is to help you understand your need to obey the gospel of Christ and become a Christian. This is NOT done by “desiring” to be one, but by hearing the gospel, believing it, repenting of your sins, confessing Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and being immersed for the remission of your sins. We can and will prove all this with book, chapter, and verse! You need only contact us, and we will gladly meet with you!


What Should Be Written in This Space?

   Articles for this publication seldom just “pop” into my head. As one preacher friend explains writing articles, “Some come from a hard birth.” For those of us who write as a part of our work, such articles require a great deal of thought and tact. We don’t intentionally offend, but we know sometimes our articles are offensive. We refrain from publishing our own ideas and work hard to avoid “bragging” on accomplishments. Our intent is simply to write articles that will encourage growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).

   Yet, many of our efforts go unread, unstudied, unheeded, and thus become useless! As I’ve told some, “The size of paper is intentionally the same size needed to line 8x10 bird cages.” They laugh, but if the paper isn’t going to be used for learning, that is as good a use as any. Printed articles, at least in this genre, are like sermons or bible class lessons: unless you take the time to read them, study them, and learn from them, they are useless!

   Some have proposed we use this space for announcements including the sick, the homebound, birthdays, anniversaries, and/or other events. Well, it isn’t designed to be a “social column in a newspaper.” It is designed to bring the reader’s attention to the Bible – the word of God! God’s word is written as He spoke it (Hebrews 1:1-2) and we must take heed to it (Hebrews 2:1-4). The articles we preachers write are mere attempts to encourage readers to read GOD’S word even more!

   So, what would you put in this space if you were writing? Would it be funny stories, news of the day, news of the people in this congregation, games, puzzles, or things for children? Or would you devote your time and attention to the needs of souls which are not yet obedient to Christ? Would you direct your thoughts towards those who have strayed from the truth and need to return? What would you write?
   And after you answer that question, here’s another: Is there enough space to accurately describe your loving care for such souls, urging them to see the urgency of their spiritual needs? You see, reader, that’s why we write, preach, and teach. We care about souls and endeavor to prove it with every avenue of communication available to us!