The Church of Christ is Complete!
Let me boldly proclaim I hate the labeling of brethren! Scripturally, there are only two descriptions: faithful or unfaithful; righteous or wicked. Through the years, brethren have found an abundance of labels to use, determined by the observation of how closely souls adhere to the scriptures, and whether that adherence agrees with the viewer’s interpretation of scripture. Terms such as liberal, conservative, anti, institutional, etc. are terms of man used to describe the degree of loyalty to the authority of God’s word. Not so strangely, such labels have done nothing to perpetuate unity among brethren, but rather have created impassible chasms that now span generations. No, I’m not advocating any form of “unity in diversity” as “there ain’t such a thing.” Our Lord said we are either for Him or against Him; we either gather with Him or we scatter abroad. We can’t serve God and man simultaneously! (Matthew 12:30; 6:24). What I am advocating is a very diligent study of the scriptures by which we all will solemnly and reverently search the scriptures and thereby prove all things, holding fast only that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Just because something of man-made origin may promote something of good doesn’t mean that object of man’s creation should be supported by the Lord’s church. Further, regardless of how much good man’s organization may do, man’s inventions have no right to attach themselves to the Lord’s church for support either financially or by common acceptance as if the object is some “extension” of the Lord’s work.
The Lord’s church has never needed the assistance of man-made institutions to complete its work. Paul’s inspired message to Colosse says, “And ye are complete in Him.” (Colossians 2:10). If the Lord’s church needs any institution of man to complete its work, then we must admit that God created an imperfect body for His perfect Son who is the head of the body, the church (Colossians 1:18). Throughout the book of Acts, we find only the building up of the church: never an institution built by man to assist in the work of the Lord’s body. Did they have old folks who may have needed some professional care? Did they have young people who needed some means of entertainment? Did they have souls desirous of higher education? Were there orphans in those days? To each of these, we answer yes: but with this answer, we must admit that there is not one word of the church being commanded to build an institution to care for the sick and elderly, house the orphans, entertain the youth, or educate the minds of those desiring a secular education. Either there was no need or there was no authorization to build an institution for the assistance of the Lord’s work! In fact, James tells us to keep ourselves unspotted from the world (James 1:27).
The Lord’s church is different: it is a spiritual body comprised of obedient souls (1 Corinthians 12:12-14; 1 Peter 2:4 – 10; Acts 2:47b). Throughout the New Testament, we find no example of any local church building an institution for any of these purposes; nor do we find any example of the Lord’s church financially supporting any man-made institution which claims the ability to do the work or be an “extension” to the work of the Lord’s church! The church of Christ is complete, just as we (the obedient souls comprising the church) are complete in Him (Colossians 2:10).
Brethren have attempted to “improve” the Lord’s church with various items of man’s mind for years. To sum them up, let’s use the apostle Paul’s description: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4: 1- 2). “Some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,” is enough to show our point. The faith one must obey comes from the word of God (Romans 10:17). Additions to that faith are limited to virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity. (2 Peter 1:1 – 10) Where is the authority to add to that faith anything of man’s desired teachings that would “assist” the work of the Lord’s church? See Revelation 22: 18 – 19 for the consequences of adding to or taking from God’s word.
No one disputes the good many of these organizations might do. No one disputes their right to exist! But what must be denied is their “right of attachment” to the Lord’s church either financially or by the indication that Christians need them to complete their service to God! If they wish to have a part in these things privately, Galatians 6: 1 – 10 grants them that right! But there simply is no authority from the Head of the church (Christ Jesus via His word) for the church itself to join hands with the ideals of man to complete its work in saving souls!
Let’s be very careful about what we endorse and what we urge others to support via their participation. Regardless of what good that item might do, regardless of how pure and righteous it might be in its own right of existence, anything established by man is not the Lord’s church! The Lord’s church has “living stones” to do its work of being benevolent to needy saints, preaching the gospel to the lost, and exhorting children of God to remain to be faithful unto death. It never has and never will need anything of man to complete those God-given commandments. Its treasury needs to support itself (benevolence to needy saints, preaching the gospel, and exhorting its own to maintain these good works) and leave man’s organizations to care for themselves. His church is complete. Let’s keep it that way!