The Importance of DAILY Growth
Faith-FUL-ness is quite the opposite of faith-LESS-ness. The first is commanded of the Christian who is desirous of heaven eternal (Revelation 2:10). Some believe the “action” of faithfulness is limited to the attendance of services. While certainly an indication of one’s faith, it is not the totality of one’s faith. Faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1, is required of us who diligently seek God (Hebrews 11:6), and must be diligently added to as we serve God (2 Peter 1: 5 – 11). It comes from hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17) and must be increased within us (2 Corinthians 4:16). However, too many souls believe faith is merely a “component” of one’s existence that allows them to believe whatever seems appropriate and needs no further development. How foolish to think a soul needs no growth – no development – no maturity!
Unfaithfulness never happens instantaneously. It happens subtly, usually slowly and without much notice. After a time, it becomes more and more evident until it is quite obvious, and by then often too late to change (Hebrews 6: 4 – 6). When questioned about their unfaithfulness, some will answer, “I just lost interest,” “I got too busy,” or “It just got too hard,” or some kindred excuse. If honesty prevailed in such souls, they would answer, “I stopped studying.” The reason their interest waned is because they filled their minds with other things. The reason they got too busy is because they filled their desires with other things. The reason they felt the work of the Lord was “too hard” is that they lost their energy for Him in favor of entertaining other involvements.
Christians need to realize they are no longer their own (1 Peter 4: 1 – 5). We have crucified the old man of sin (Romans 6) and therefore the life that we live must be Christ in us (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3: 1 – 17). However, that does NOT mean we only need to attend the worship services on Sunday morning and evening, and (if the mood strikes us) a Wednesday night bible study. Think about it: if our lives are lived by the faith of the Son of God (Galatians 2:20), does that mean we are only alive two or three hours a week? No! The passage means we are COMMITTED to Him in all we say and do (Colossians 3:17), thus GROWING in His grace and knowledge daily (2 Peter 3:18). If we aren’t GROWING, then we are DYING. Which should the Christian be doing?
Yes, the FLESH dies a little every day. We “age” just a bit more every day. David said, “There is but a step between me and death.” (1 Samuel 20:3). Our appointed time (Hebrews 9:27) cannot be rescheduled. But the life of the soul is much different! Once born again (John 3:7), we rise to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:1-6), and from that moment onward, we must INCREASE our faithfulness by which our “lifespan” is assured as eternal! Remember Revelation 2:10, “Be thou faith-FULL unto death.” Combine this understanding with the requirement of 2 Peter 1: 5- 11. Without FAITH, what kind of foundation would one have upon which to add virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, kindness, brotherly love, and charity? Remember as well that “without FAITH it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). How much FAITH does it take to please God? Since it comes only from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17) how much must we hear to obtain enough faith to please God? Can we not understand the necessity of DAILY GROWTH obtained from daily reading, studying, learning, and obeying God’s word?
When a soul stops reading and studying God’s word daily, that soul permits matters that cannot save his soul to take up the “mental room” that would be better served with God’s word! Colossians 3:16 tells us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom. If worldly matters are allowed to increase their occupation of our lives, then those worldly things soon take over our lives and distract us from serving God, making us less faith-FULL and instead, UN-faithful. If that same soul would instead commit himself to daily growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, then he would find the problems of this world that plague him find righteous answers, and are thus eliminated! (2 Peter 1:3)
I fear many Christians are too casual with their study, and therefore allowing Satan to find them easier prey (1 Peter 5:8). As the Galatians, they are soon removed from the grace of Christ, (1:5-8) and bewitched (4:1) by the cares of this world. Unless we GROW daily, SPIRITUALLY, then we DIE – SPIRITUALLY! Don’t you want to live eternally? If so, then don’t ever miss your daily dose of reading, studying, learning, and obeying God’s word. And by the way, it might take longer than a couple of hours each day to see that growth!