The Last Lord’s Day
December 29, 2024, is the last first day of the week: the day Christians recognize as “the Lord’s Day.” Like all other first days of the week, we Christians assemble to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We sing, pray, and remember the Lord’s death as we partake of the communion. We give in the same fashion by which we prospered, and we fill our minds with a lesson from God’s unerring word. Before and after this time of worship, we visit with one another, expressing our love and concern for each other. This is called “fellowship” and is the very element that proves our “family participation” as children of God.
For some, the end of the calendar is just another day of living. For these souls, life is realized one day at a time, but with thanksgiving to God and an unfaltering allegiance to His service. While communion and giving are not a part of their daily acts of worshipping God (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:1 – 2), they continue to praise God in song, express their thanks in prayers, and delve deep into the study of His word, feasting heartily on its riches.
For some, the end of another year is quite an accomplishment regarding their earthly pursuits. Their family increased, their prosperity increased, or they may have achieved some great project they have endeavored to accomplish, or perhaps they conquered some illness that had previously beset them – something of greatness and personal achievement is theirs to claim! We congratulate them on these temporal gains and trust they enjoy them as God would have them do (Ecclesiastes 2:24) If these souls are Christians, they will take the time to thank God for these blessings and use them all to His glory and honor.
For still others, the end of the year brings sadness. While the world around them expresses gayety and joy, they cannot help but reflect on the sadness and loss of a year now nearly gone. They ponder how they can turn the page to a new calendar and face each day without their loved one – their life! Some will offer what they believe are comforting words by saying, “It gets better with time,” when time without those loved ones seems endless! The faithful ones know to cast such burdens on Him for He cares for them (1 Peter 5:7), and so they bow their heads, often with tears falling from their eyes, and talk to Him who is faithful and just to hear our cries. This is their comfort and peace!
So, as we accept the last Lord’s Day of 2024, dare we enter it like any other Lord’s Day? Are there things for which to thank our Father in heaven, or are there things for which we must beg His forgiveness? Be careful before elevating your accomplishments to self-glory! (Proverbs 27: 1-2) God is to be praised in all we say and do, so “bragging” about what YOU may have done costs you a blessing! Humility is always beneficial when considering our accomplishments, and especially so when considering our failures (1 John 1:5 – 10; James 4:10). Christians will use this last Lord’s Day to do both as they examine themselves (2 Corinthians 13:5) and sing with grace unto the Lord (Colossians 3:16). They will speak to the Father in fervent prayer, grateful the Spirit makes intercession for them (Romans 8:26) and Jesus serves as Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5) and Advocate (1 John 2: 1-2). Further, the Christian is grateful for another first day of the week to partake of the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine in fitting memory of the Lord’s death! It is not an occasional memorial of His death, but a weekly one. The faithful are immensely grateful that one last time in 2024 they can surround the Lord’s table with love and set their minds to acknowledge nothing more and nothing less than His death till He comes again (1 Corinthians 11:26). Equally valuable to the Christian is the one more opportunity to give of their prosperity in the same manner by which they gained this prosperity (2 Corinthians 9: 6 – 11). They know this is how needy saints are cared for, how the gospel is spread, and how expedients are met to serve our God. The more we give, the more we receive (Luke 6:38). Yes, to these souls, the last Lord’s Day of the year has a tremendous value to them!
Unfortunately, some souls squander away another year with its opportunities to be what God has commanded all souls to be – OBEDIENT TO HIM! Sure, they may begin a new year, if God permits time to continue, by resolving to obey Him, but they also “choreograph” their obedience. “I’ll be baptized if So-And-So is there to see it.,” is not a condition of obedience God authorizes. It isn’t an “orchestrated event” but a submission to the commands of God! Likewise with repentance and being restored to Christ and His church. “I’ll be restored provided such-and-such happens,” does not express the sincere repentance of any soul desiring to return to their rightful place in the service of our Lord! Instead, why not be grateful that you are given this one last Lord’s Day to obey God and make your soul right with Him?
While I compose this article, I am quite mindful that 2024 might not end! If so, then all I’ve accomplished is a record of my thoughts. If the Lord wills that 2024 does progress, and you can read and accept the sentiment of this lesson, then much more is accomplished for the Lord’s cause. Nothing we do in this life is truly for our gain, as all temporal things will remain long after we’re gone, and then be destroyed in the last of all days. The only things that truly endure are our accomplishments for our Father in heaven! Therefore, let us be grateful for one more Lord’s Day to faithfully worship our Father!