There’s Always Someone Better Than You

So, Follow the Best there Is!

   Several youngsters showed their dairy cattle for judging at the fair. It was easy to spot the ones who had worked with their animals from the day those calves were born until the day of the judging. While the mini-class needed the help of the senior class to show them, you could still tell who had trained themselves and their animals well for this day. With the seniors, the distinction was just as easily determined between those who had worked and those who had not.

   The judge kept telling the contestants and the audience, “Showmanship is all about presentation, and presentation is always about endeavoring to be the best combination of presentation you can be with your animal.” He explained how difficult it is to judge the first, second, and third-place winners because the competition is so great.

   His advice to those youngsters is spot-on! This world is full of competition between the good, better, and best of every environment. Unfortunately, some put competition into the Lord’s church, and it simply does NOT belong there! Song leaders, preachers, bible class teachers, those who pray and/or speak at the table: some brethren place these men in competition without their knowledge, but verbally will say, “He’s the best one.” Who is judging? Why? Even women are placed in competitive roles when some will say, “I like the way she prepares communion better than when she does it.” Who is judging? Why?

   Such a “spirit of competition” in the Lord’s church has never admonished, exhorted, or in any other measure built up the brethren! It has, however, often destroyed the zeal that needs to be aflame for anyone to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord! (cf. Luke 24:32) Just as learning how to lead and pose an animal for judging requires years of practice, and learning, leading our souls in the path of righteousness requires practice and learning! From time to time, the seniors (more experienced) might need to stand by and be ready to help when the less-experienced struggle with the presentation of their requested task for the Lord. The senior doesn’t take over; they are there only to help when the need arises.

   After the showing of the animals comes the result of the judging. With only one judge, there is an expected disagreement with the decision. Criticism comes from a variety of sources: family ties and friendship, jealousy among the competitors, and sometimes those who have nothing to do with either the animal or the one showing the animal: they just have their opinion! But there is only one “grand champion” and from there, the remaining contestants are “less than the best.” Even when the best of each class is judged to determine “the best of the best,” there is only one winner, and as it is said, “Second is the first loser.” That’s the way it is with competition, and it doesn’t change.

   How fortunate it is that the Lord’s church is NOT designed for competition! There is one Judge (John 5:22; Acts 17:31) whose decisions are final! (Matthew 25:31 – 46) Each member is to have the same care one for another (1 Corinthians 12:12- 27). Therefore, when we see a member struggling, we with experience help them. When a member becomes too “self-exalted,” the others are there to humble him (Titus 2: 11 – 15). The reason is simple: we, like God, must not be willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance! (2 Peter 3:9) We must endeavor to help one another to be the best we ALL can be in the service of our King!

   True, in the flesh there is competition and yes, in the flesh there is always someone better than you! I remember hearing an announcer saying after a particular contestant stomped off in disgust because they had lost, “There’s no crying or throwing fits in this organization.” That shouldn’t be the case in the Lord’s church, either! But it is when emotions outshine the need for compassion. “Let me help you,” is a loving statement that those with experience need to use more often! We are NOT competitive in the Lord’s church: we are encouragers of each other for the sake of strengthening the whole body of Christ!

   This is why we ALL must follow the greatest of all Examples! (1 Peter 2: 21 – 25). None of us will ever be better than Jesus Christ! But all of us can follow His example and in doing so, improve ourselves to be the best WE can be! We need to remind ourselves of Solomon’s advice: “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.” (Proverbs 27:2) That way, when the Judge appears, He will say to you and all the righteous, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)

  No, there are no earthly trophies, no blue ribbons, and no grand championships in the Lord’s church. But ALL the righteous will receive a crown of life for being faithful in all we say and do for Him. Christian, that is the ONLY prize worth pursuing! Are you striving for it?