Truly Blessed
There is a song we sing that encourages us to “Count our blessings; name them one by one.” Frankly, I find that impossible! The material blessings abound (Matthew 6:19 – 34), and the spiritual blessings abound even more (Ephesians 1:3) From the air we breathe to the water we drink, to the inexplicable way our daily needs are met through the providence of Almighty God, how can the Christian say he is NOT blessed beyond measure?
Included with these blessings, have you considered the blessings of “life’s experiences?” (What else would you call them?) For example, how many Christians have positively influenced you in the work of the kingdom of Christ? Think of Timothy who “from his youth up,” had been taught by his mother and grandmother an “unfeigned faith.” Can you name all the bible class teachers who have contributed to your understanding of truth and righteousness? Which of them had the greatest influence on your continued diligence? How many gospel preachers have you known well, and still consider them “closer than a brother” because of the camaraderie you share? Then think of all the brethren you’ve known through the years and the several places where you met them and formed a strong bond via the blood of Christ.
Of those experiences, how many of you men received encouragement from one of the “old timers” who would say, “How about you serving communion in my place today?” just to introduce you to public participation in the worship? Do you remember the first time you were asked to publicly read the scriptures, or word a prayer? How many of us men were blessed to have elderly men purposely establish “men’s training classes” that taught us how to speak at the table, serve communion, word prayers, read the scriptures, and give “short talks?”
For the women, how many of you experienced one of the elderly women teaching you how to prepare communion, how to instruct the small children in a bible study, or how to be a lady that would eventually become a preacher’s wife or the wife of an elder or deacon? Which godly woman taught you by her example precisely what Paul told Titus women must be, and impressed upon you the meaning of Proverbs 31: 10 – 31? Such life experiences are priceless blessings!
Today’s children need the experience of being mentored by a couple unrelated to them, but just as caring and dedicated to their being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. They need to experience caring for the elderly in exchange for listening to their accumulated wisdom. Those contemplating marriage need to consult those whose lives have experienced at least fifty years of matrimony and learn from those experiences. What a blessing for a young man desiring to preach, to be the “chauffer” for an aged, experienced preacher. What a blessing to the young woman desiring to learn the meaning of a meek and quiet spirit to share several hours, days, and weeks, in allowing that godly woman to be to her as Naomi was to Ruth.
What a blessing it is to visit other churches of Christ during their gospel meetings! Not only are you blessed with the acquaintances of those of like precious faith you would never have otherwise known, but you hear preaching from someone you don’t often hear. You join in singing songs of hymn and praise you might not often sing, or even know. But in doing so, you find yourself admonished and taught.
What a blessing it is to record notes of the bible studies and sermons we’ve heard, and never discard them! After a time, we reopen the notebook or folder and review those blessings; restudying them even years later as we mature in our knowledge and wisdom of Truth!
Then, as the autumn years of life begin to create their reflective state in our minds, what a blessing to mentally recall all those wonderful Christians who shared their best to help make you your best in service to God. We recall their faces as though they are still before us and flood our minds with those precious incidentals that fashion each of those blessings. As we continue reflecting on these blessings, we give God thanks for each one. Through God’s providence, we have endeavored to utilize these blessings as we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, that every Christian would be found as such a wonderful blessing to other Christians!