We Don’t Walk in Their Circles

   There isn’t anything wrong with being “different.” We’re all “different” in some fashion or another. We have differences in what we like to eat, where we like to go, what we do for relaxation or enjoyment, the types of music we like, the types of cars we drive, what television shows we watch, etc., etc., etc. Why? Because we’re “different.” The adage is, “opposites attract,” and it’s true – because we’re “different.”

   Personalities are “different” as well. Some folks like to laugh while others are quite rigid in their demeanor. Some folks like to talk and visit, while others give a quick “howdy” and think it’s been a speech. Some are well-educated and like to prove their advanced mentality with generous amounts of verbosity, while others stand in amazement that anyone would even care about such “hoyty toyty” things! Then some find their thrills by engaging in the exotic fantasies of this world: things that cannot be proven nor are of any value to mankind but spawn an interest in curious minds. Others remain more “down to earth” with their interests and focus their attention on the common matters of life.

   Regardless, these and other things prove only differences regarding things “under the sun” as Solomon says some twenty-seven times in his report of searching for advanced wisdom in this world (aka. The book of Ecclesiastes). When Solomon finished his observations, he reported, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity,” and urged all men to “Hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.”

   Unfortunately, “circles” of differences exist even among brethren – and they shouldn’t! For example, Paul spoke of such “circles” when he wrote, “But of these who seemed to be somewhat, (whatsoever they were, it maketh no matter to me: God accepteth no man's person:) for they who seemed to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me:” (Read the entire context of this discussion: Galatians 2: 1- 10) Another example of “circles” Paul mentions is his advice to Timothy: “But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.” (2 Timothy 2:16 – 18) Such arrogance and false convictions among brethren create division of the most evil sort and thus are “circles” the faithful of God must avoid! (1 Thessalians 5:22)

   But there is another type of “circle” that often exists that not so strangely, destroys the very core of “brotherly love” quicker than any other destructive element. Let’s call it “the circle of prejudice.” These circles are diametrically opposed to the Lord’s attitude toward people: He is WITHOUT respect of persons (Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25; 1 Peter 1:17). Furthermore, God’s commands to His children via inspiration command WE avoid being respecters of persons (James 2: 1- 9). Still, these circles exist! Some attempt to “justify” them because of the culture in which we live. Since when does culture dictate the law of God? Others endeavor to justify their prejudice based on the kindred of the flesh. Since when is the blood of the flesh more valuable than the blood of Christ Jesus? Still, others excuse prejudice based on friendship created by various associations, like work, school, neighborhood, etc. Since when does the bond of the temporal world supersede the bond of the kingdom of Christ?

   Prejudice of this sort existed in the first century among brethren, centered only on nationality. Paul’s entire letter to the Romans deals with this prejudice and condemns it! He explains in vivid detail how Jews and Gentiles are no different in the eyes of God once the SOUL of these persons obeys the gospel of Christ! Brethren, are we still examining our fellowship with one another in the kingdom based on items of the FLESH rather than the fact we are united by the blood of our Redeemer? If so, which parties of the division need to repent?

   Circles of our fellowship should not appear as Vin diagrams. Those displays may have dozens of individual circles intersecting with one another and showing what “common ground” exists with the individual circles. Brethren, have we noticed that unless we are well within the “circle of Christ Jesus alone” it matters not at all which circle contains us? In the “circle of Christ,” there is NO prejudice! We are united in His word alone: our opinions are not within that circle! We are united by His blood alone: the blood of the flesh has no bearing on our fellowship. We are united by His rich blessings (Ephesians 1:3): the wealth and social positions of the flesh have no interest to Him.

   Thus, “cliques,” be they family, social, wealth, popularity, etc., have no place among the family of God! Still, we have the solemn obligation to have the same care one for another (1 Corinthians 12:25). Love should permeate each soul – equally and without prejudice. Discipline should be administered for the care of the soul – equally and without prejudice. Care for the soul should abound – equally and without prejudice!

   Perhaps this article will do little to stifle the existence of prejudicial circles among brethren. Paul’s inspired letters to Rome, Ephesus, Colossae, Philippi, etc., are ignored by many as though they are meant for “those other people.”  But maybe we can start practicing brotherly love with a little more exuberance by making the circle of love surrounding us a little larger, and the circles of prejudice a lot smaller!