What Can I Do to Bring the Lost to Christ?
That’s a serious question and one often asked by resolute souls who are frustrated regarding those whose family and friends are lost because of their lack of obedience to Christ Jesus. They have fervently spoken God’s word to these souls. They have written their thoughts, pleading with these souls to read, study, learn and obey God’s truth. They have repeatedly encouraged their attendance to bible studies and services where God’s word is preached. All their efforts, however, seem futile as few if any of these for whom the righteous care deeply respond with even the slightest hint of sincere interest. What more can they do?
First, DON’T GIVE UP! The parable of the Sower (Luke 8: 5 – 15) shows the one sowing the seed sows it on all four types of soil; thus, all four types of soil are found in the same field! Just because the souls you most desire to receive this soul-saving truth (Romans 1:16-17) fail to receive it, doesn’t mean someone else is ignoring the seed! Our sowing happens everywhere we go, for our lives consist of both word and deed. Both Jesus and the apostle Peter told us that our good works are never in vain (Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:12).
Second, DON’T EXPECT OVERNIGHT SUCCESS! No one ever planted in “road gear,” thinking it would grow to maturity in just a few minutes. Be patient (2 Peter 1: 5 – 11), and caring. That seed will need watering (1 Corinthians 3:6) before it grows, and the “waterer” might be someone other than you. Additionally, be patient while it matures. Unlike seed in the ground, the word of God planted in hearts, asks questions that require answers. (1 Peter 3:15) and those answers must be given with accuracy and grace (Colossians 4:6).
Third, BE KIND AND UNDERSTANDING! Most lost souls don’t realize they are lost. They are comfortable in their beliefs, and though erring in them, they are often as convinced they are right as you know you are right (1 John 2:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:21). Being belligerent with those you are trying to teach will only make them more defensive of their error. Study the way Jesus taught the lost (Matthew 7:28 – 29). Only after nearly three years of instruction did He become stern and condemning of the scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23: 33). Yes, He rebuked His disciples when they needed to be rebuked. But it was after they knew the truth and failed to obey it! (Luke 9: 37 – 42) Kindness never hurt anyone, and understanding their lack of understanding is merely an acceptance of starting where they are instead of where you want them to be in understanding God’s truth!
Fourth, BE PREPARED FOR THE UNEXPECTED! The lost usually have no “filter” regarding their reactions to your expectations. You might think you’ve made some headway, only to be shocked at their continuation in error. Tell them their error, and if he repents, forgive him (Luke 17:3). But in doing this, while you confess your disappointment in their conduct, prove to them you still love them and want to help them! Also, be prepared for “situational ethics” they may present to you. Some of these might be honest concerns, and others, feeble attempts to find “loopholes” in God’s commandments of righteous living. If you fumble for answers in such a situation, they might think you are unstable or unsure of what you teach!
Fifth, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! Hypocrisy is easily noted by those we endeavor to influence in the gospel. They and their friends will watch us carefully, seeking any semblance of hypocrisy in our lives or the lives of our brethren (most of whom are unaware of your efforts to teach the lost.) While not every Christian is as cautious in their conduct as they need to be, the lost will defend their unrighteous actions by saying honestly, “But I saw/heard So-And-So do it, and you tell me they are a Christian.” (It’s worse when they honestly proclaim they saw/heard YOU being hypocritical!) Admit to them some do not walk circumspectly (Ephesians 5:15-17), but their wrong doesn’t make anyone right! Remind them of James 4:17 and the accountability of each soul before God (2 Corinthians 5:10)).
Sixth, PRAY WITH THEM AND FOR THEM! We so often ignore the importance and power of prayer. Make them aware of how valuable prayer is to you; how frequently and fervently you pray, and for what things you beseech God’s attention (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Let them know you include them by name in your private prayers and let them know what you ask of God in their behalf. Don’t be hesitant to pray with them, speaking to God earnestly and humbly. They need to know you care enough for their soul that you talk to God on their behalf!
Finally, USE THE BIBLE AND ONLY THE BIBLE! No one needs man’s word to save souls. You need only God’s! Use it wisely!