What Is the Purpose of


   Some may ponder the purpose of this publication, and it seems a worthy question to address. Never have I intended to make it a “brag sheet” or a publication with a venomous tongue. Since its beginning, writing a weekly publication has been considered an extension of teaching or preaching. It has evolved from short articles that we called “From the Preacher’s Desk” (1975 – 1983) to “Mike’s Musings” (1983 to the present) with “meatier” articles of various scriptural topics included. We’ve endeavored to prove all that we’ve written with book, chapter, and verse so the reader would not think it is an opinion, but a lesson from God’s Word only. Some have found it helpful, and others have requested removal from its reception. That’s fine: it won’t affect my desire to continue writing.

   The main purpose of THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING is to place within the reader’s hands some thoughts that will deepen his desire to read, study, learn, and obey the word of God! While “Mike’s Musings” has for years been short articles that share my thoughts that prayerfully generate some life lessons for others, the longer articles are designed to teach God’s truth to saints and sinners alike. It is prayerfully a publication that dedicated souls will find suitable to share with others as they too endeavor to bring souls to the obedience of the gospel.

   THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING has never been copyrighted, and never will be! Like the sermons I preach and the bible studies I teach, it is my conviction that this publication is merely a means of making the gospel available to all who desire its soul-saving power! (Romans 1:16) Some have found the lessons taught here are good “fodder” for the development of more lessons to be taught. Some have disagreed with these writings, and their responses have challenged me to study deeper and more carefully. I find either direction an advantage to growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord (2 Peter 3:18). Frankly, the older I get the more study I require as I dig deeper into the unsearchable riches of God’s word!

   When THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING began in 1975, it often contained “news articles” about the local church where I was laboring. Those brethren told me, “This is the kind of bulletin we’ve always had,” and so I complied with their custom. Within those early days, I announced a gospel singing we had planned, and mistakenly wrote, “Come for sinning and prayer!” That’s when folks pointed out my need for proofreading, and it also ended the inclusion of “local news announcements” in the publication. There are still typos from time to time, but as a fellow gospel preacher who has written for more years than I have explained, “When they point out those mistakes, it lets me know they read the article!” No, it isn’t my purpose to publish mistakes or to find “funny” things to write. It is my purpose to write what will help souls learn God’s truth and obey Him!

   Some have suggested these articles be published in a larger volume, in book form, and sold as a collection of thoughts worth thinking. I’ve considered that, and one brother some forty years ago offered to do that for me. But I’ve determined that doing so would defeat the intended purpose. If souls will read it, study the lessons, and obey God, my purpose is fulfilled. I have no desire to be known as a great author. Christ Jesus has that distinction (Hebrews 5:9; 12:2) and I could never improve on what He has authored! It is an honor to be known as one of His proclaimers, and one who limits his preaching and teaching, whether vocal or written to the content of His word!

   Solomon apparently had such an “outlet” as THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING, for his record called ECCLESIASTES is a report of his thoughts after seeking for wisdom “under the sun.” Twenty-seven times in his twelve-chapter record, Solomon uses the phrase “under the sun,” expressing the result of “vanity of vanities, all is vanity” when searching for wisdom that only God grants. He concluded his investigation with the greatest advice ever given by an earthly king: “Fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” If expressing my THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING finds any similar results as those of Solomon, let them also inform the reader to “Hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

   As I enter the fiftieth year of “full-time” preaching, including a weekly publication that prayerfully also preaches to the reader, it remains my prayer that all I say and do will have some positive effect upon the hearer: not toward some recognition of myself, but rather an effect that penetrates the reader’s heart with awareness of accountability for all the deeds he does in this body, whether they be good or bad. (1 Corinthians 5:10) Anyone can read an article and make comments pro or con. But contemplating the condition of one's soul is quite another matter. The Bible is God’s word and cannot be altered without receiving severe consequences (Revelation 22:18-19.) His word, not mine, is without error, and must be heeded! Therefore, if all I’m able to do in these meager thoughts is to generate an investigation of the divine, then I have reached my goal. Let God’s word be the guide to your salvation. Search it, study it, imbibe it to the fullest! My words will not last. But His will meet us in the Judgment and remain throughout eternity! Let those be your greatest THOUGHTS WORTH THINKING!