Editor’s note: BRADLEY PHILIPS preaches at Belleville church of Christ, Belleville, IN. His most recent article is very timely for us as several have asked of late, “How can we grow?” I share it here for your fervent study.
What Will Cause the Church to Grow?
I venture to say that we all desire to see the Lord’s church grow and prosper both spiritually and numerically. Thinking about that, I suggest to you...
The Church Will Grow When Christ Is Preached.
In order for the Lord’s church to grow, Christ is going to have to be preached. You see, this was the kind of preaching that converted about 3000 souls on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:22-41). This was the kind of preaching that Philip did, which resulted in the conversion of men and women in Samaria (Acts 8:5-12). This is the same kind of preaching that converted the eunuch from Ethiopia (Acts 8:35-39), and this is the kind of preaching done by the apostle Paul (Acts 17:18) which resulted in the conversion of some in Athens (Acts 17:34). Once more, the preaching of Christ will cause a church to grow.
The Church Will Grow When There Is Unity Among Brethren.
We learn in Acts 2:46, that the early church was of one accord.
Simply put, the early church was united in both doctrine and purpose (Acts 2:42, 44), and the result of this was a church that grew daily (Acts 2:47). Think about that! You see, when the Lord’s people are of one accord when they are united in doctrine and purpose, when they have all things in common, the Lord’s church will grow.
The Church Will Grow When Discipline Is Practiced.
In Acts 5:1-11, we have recorded for us the first account of discipline being practiced in the church, which not only brought about great fear upon all of the church but also upon all those who heard about it. However, this action also ultimately resulted in multitudes of men and women being increasingly added to the Lord (Acts 5:14). You see, brethren, we have an obligation to keep the Lord’s church pure (1 Corinthians 5:1-7; Ephesians 5:27), and this is done by practicing discipline upon those members of the Lord’s church who walk disorderly (2 Thessalonians 3:6). Remember that, and know that when discipline is practiced, it will help the church grow both spiritually and numerically.
The Church Will Grow When the Word of God Is Spread.
The word of God is the kingdom seed (Luke 8:11). Therefore, in
order for the Lord’s church to grow in number, the seed is going to have to be planted, and we learn in Acts 6:7, that when the word of God spread, the number of disciples multiplied greatly. You see, if the Lord’s church is going to grow in number, it is going to require the word of God being spread. Knowing that may we all be diligent in planting and watering the seed, for by doing so, God will give the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6).
The Church Will Grow When It Has Peace and Is Edified.
We find in Acts 9:31, that two key ingredients for church growth are peace and edification. You see, when the church is free from persecution, strife, and contention it will be at peace, and it will be a proper environment that will promote both spiritual and numerical growth. Likewise, the church will grow when it is edified (i.e., built up). Now, some may ask, how can I help build up the church? Well, I suggest to you that you can attend it up and love it up (Read: Hebrews 10:24-25). Again, when the church is at peace and is built up it will promote a proper environment for growth.
The Church Will Grow When It Walks in The Fear of The Lord and in the Comfort of The Holy Spirit.
In Acts 9:31, we also learn that it is important for the church to walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Now, it’s important to note that when you think church, you need to think people. For, it is people who make up the church (Ref. Acts 5:11; 11:22). However, if the Lord’s church is going to grow, it is going to have to have members who properly conduct themselves in the reverence of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Brethren, keep in mind that the things listed above produced church growth in the first century, and if we will likewise practice them today, they will also produce church growth in the twenty-first century. Therefore, let us make proper application of these things, and let us all strive to do our part in helping the Lord’s church grow both spiritually, and numerically!
Brad Phillips