What Word Do You Need to Hear?
Paul warned Timothy of listeners with itching ears (2 Timothy 4: 3). Souls that seek to hear only those things that appease the listeners’ lusts are souls that refuse to hear what they need to hear! When God spoke to Isaiah regarding the rebellion of Israel, He said, “Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.” (Isaiah 30: 8 – 11) One ponders if God would say the same of today’s people! Seemingly, souls remain rebellious toward God’s saving gospel (Romans 1:16 – 17) and instead are heaping to themselves all the worldly garbage their minds can hold; making their minds consistently void of truth and righteousness. (1 John 2: 15 – 17)
In some places, just one word is enough to bring obedience. In the military, “halt” is enough to stop troops. In a family where parents protect their children, “stop” is enough to end wrongful behavior. But using those words toward souls in eternal danger doesn’t always work! They’re waiting to hear, “continue,” “acceptable” or some other term that permits them to continue in sin, thinking God’s grace will continue (Romans 6). It can’t and it won’t because God never agrees with sin! And any faithful soul who tries to “justify” sinful behavior in others because they are physically related, or dear friends, becomes unfaithful via their compromise of speaking things that become sound doctrine! (Titus 2:1)
Let me point out first that any soul you or I wish to teach, must first be willing to hear. Paul encountered this situation when he and Barnabas came to Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13). Notice what Paul told the Jews regarding their need to hear. “Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.” Frankly, many of today’s world aren’t willing to listen, let alone learn! If just one word could be spoken to such souls, what is that word?
First impressions are powerful! So whatever word you might use to encourage someone to listen to God’s truth should be spoken with a bright smile of serious interest in the eternal well-being of the one to whom you are speaking. Try the word, “Friend,” for starters. Remember Jesus when He confronted Judas in the garden? His first word was, “Friend …” (Matthew 26:50) Notice the last words Jesus ever spoke to Judas started with the word, “Friend.” That didn’t justify Judas in any fashion; but neither did it fall on deaf ears, for somehow Judas’ heart was pricked enough to admit he had betrayed innocent blood (Matthew 27:4). Sadly, instead of going to Jesus and begging forgiveness, he went out and hanged himself (Matthew 27:5) He died knowing Jesus still cared for his soul! That’s the least souls need to know assuredly!
Another word we might that might engage their minds is, “Understand.” When Philip met the eunuch, the first word he used was “Understand.” It was uttered as the first word of a question and could have stood alone with the same intent. The full question was, “Understandest thou what thou readest?” The key word is “understand.” The eunuch answered, “How can I …” and they commenced with the study. It doesn’t take an enlarged vocabulary to learn how much someone understands God’s word. Just ask them, “Understand?” See where that leads you toward teaching them God’s truth.
You might try a similar word in the form of a question: “Interested?” Sometimes, their curiosity is expressed without words; you note it via their facial expressions. Children are good at expressing curiosity, and we oblige their inquisitive minds by smiling and asking, “Interested?” Adults are a bit shyer at times as they respond, but they appreciate being asked, nonetheless. Don’t hide the gospel from them by ignoring the opportunity to teach them (Galatians 6:10; 2 Corinthians 4:3). Ask them and be patient as you instruct them.
It is just as important for us to listen for their one word, crying for a solution to the troubles of their lives. Most will not utter the word, “Help,” but their expressions shout it to our ears if we’re listening. Another word they cry is, “Please,” and we’ll hear it if we’re attentive. So often just one word is all it takes to begin the conversation that changes lives for eternity. The point is, we need to have that conversation with our family and friends, and we need to have it now!
There are no “magic” words that instantaneously stimulate a fervent desire to study God’s word. Frankly, there’s no “magic” in God’s word, either. It is His power, not “magic” or “miracle,” that stirs hearts to obedience (Romans 1:16 – 17). It was God’s word that pricked the hearts of the hearers on Pentecost Day that first followed the resurrection of Jesus (Acts 2:37). It was God’s word that righteously converted every soul that sincerely heard, understood, and obeyed its loving commandments. And it is still God’s word and only God’s word that continues to create faith in us (Romans 10:17) and shows us how to diligently add to that faith the works of righteousness (2 Peter 1:1 – 10). Like those we desire to teach, we also must desire to hear, learn, and obey God’s truth until life on this footstool of God is over.
So, FRIEND, do you UNDERSTAND? Are you INTERESTED? PLEASE know we care. We stand willing, ready, and able to HELP you regarding your need for Christ and His saving gospel. We all need each other’s help to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Yes, maybe just one word will grasp the attention of those in need, just as our hearing one word might save the one crying for spiritual help. Let’s be attentive to the needs and speak only the truth!