Who Is Listening? Who Is Learning?
Who is Obeying?
The other day, it was reported from a local school district, “Due to slick roads, we are using today as an E-learning day.” Only recently have I learned what means. It is a day when the students are expected to “sign in” on their computers and complete their lessons online. I’m told this came into vogue during the pandemic years and has become a viable alternative to omitting school days from the required number of active days required by law. The effectiveness of “e-learning” is debated vigorously among teachers, and even students are divided as to how much they truly gain from the experience.
Though I’ve not heard of such activities being indulged by churches of Christ, I do know that during the pandemic years, the “online services” as they were called were in many cases horrific failures! In my own experience, after only a few months of producing live online sermons with a hymn and prayer, I stopped doing them because of the comments received saying, “It’s certainly nice to attend worship services in my pajamas and with a cup of coffee!” Granted, such comments were few, but enough that I refused to contribute to that type of thinking! (Romans 14:13) Yes, some benefitted and for that, we rejoice. However, such viewing and even listening and learning, are NOT equated with “attending worship service” even if they aren’t dressed in pajamas and holding a cup of coffee.
Some folks can learn “remotely,” as it's dubbed. But may I suggest such folks can maintain a much higher degree of concentration than most? Those who teach and preach to an audience “in person” readily notice those who are attentive to the discussion, as well as those whose minds are not focused on the divine subject at hand. Some sleep (and aren’t ashamed to do so), others “rest their eyes,” (they aren’t asleep, but neither are they listening), and still others somehow remain aloof to the importance of what is taught in song or sermon, and have no clue for what we’ve besought the throne of God in prayer, and are only passively aware of what we are doing at the communion or how generous our hearts need to be with giving. How do we know this is true? We can see the faces of those gathered!
We have a genuine concern regarding WHO is LISTENING, LEARNING, and OBEYING. Frankly, not everyone attending a public assembly will listen, let alone learn and obey the gospel of Christ. Further, we have no control over those who “say” they are gaining their spiritual knowledge “online.” We can only determine who is listening and learning by observing the obedience of those souls who have listened and learned! And while we remain ready and willing to personally study with any interested soul, only the words and deeds of obedience will declare how effective the study has been. It is far more rewarding to both teacher and student when both are listening – showing diligent attention to the SUBJECT and endeavoring to LEARN it and its application to our lives. Yes, both teacher and student must listen and learn, and both must obey the TRUTH taught to be an example and supporter of the truth as others listen and learn! Now in case you haven’t noticed, this desire is best accomplished when we are assembled together; when there is one-on-one teaching and learning; when we can ask questions, share understanding, and patiently arrive at the righteous conclusion God demands when we study!
Technology is fine in its place. But if anyone uses technology to the exclusion of truly LISTENING to and LEARNING from the sacredness of God’s word, then OBEDIENCE becomes impossible! Let me explain: We have several audio sermons and bible studies listed on our website. We’ve done this for the benefit of curious souls with the prayerful hope of their LISTENING to and LEARNING from these materials. But we have ALSO insisted that they will benefit MOST if they use the Bible as they listen: i.e., read along with us, search the Scriptures with us, as we endeavor to LEARN together what God’s truth teaches. Then, as they grow in their understanding and acceptance of this truth, we want to help them OBEY what they’ve heard and learned! That may be done with or without technology, but it is NEVER accomplished without LISTENING and LEARNING!
While it is pleasantly true to learn souls are obeying the gospel, the number of souls obeying has dramatically decreased during the decade. The reality is many souls are ignoring the commandment to come to Jesus and learn of Him (Matthew 11:28 – 30). Many are ignoring the inspired commandment to study (2 Timothy 2:15). Consequently, we find the answer to our queries: FEW are listening, FEW are learning, and FEW are obeying! Just as in educational systems, when left to their own discipline, few students will fully comply with the “e-learning” rules, and while “signed in” they just don’t get the full measure of learning the subject so they can pass the tests!
That’s the reason we urge all to COME AND STUDY WITH US. Let us see your faces and thereby see you listening, see your learning, and help your obedience. This way we can answer your questions as they arise, and discuss your comments as you reference your concerns, doubts, fears, or even disagreements. This is precisely what is meant by the writer Jude when he said, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” (Jude 20 – 21)
We, like our Father in heaven, would have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4) And while we will do all within our ability to help bring this desire to fruition, it will still require the student to LISTEN and LEARN before they can obey. How serious are you in achieving heaven eternal? You can’t get there without diligently seeking God (Hebrews 11:6). We’re here to help!